Summary of publication
With an estimated 25 per cent of Myanmar's teachers unqualified, Myanmar has an urgent need to reform its teacher education system to ensure improved learning outcomes among basic education students. In partnership with the Government of Australia, UNESCO's Strengthening Pre-Service Teacher Education in Myanmar (STEM) project has been working with the Ministry of Education (MoE) since July 2014 to address critical issues in pre-service teacher education. This review critically examines progress made towards the project outcomes between July 2014 and December 2016. The findings of the review will inform implementation under Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project and support key management decision making.
Management response
DFAT views STEM as a critical program to support the Myanmar Ministry of Education (MoE). The review comments on the significance of the work completed to date. The findings highlight the potential influence of STEM to the sector and UNESCO as a key partner to support the Ministry in taking forward the reform agenda. DFAT's Management Response accepts all the recommendations of the review.