Research report: The main aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of the processes implemented to develop elementary syllabuses and locally developed support materials including consultation and trialling processes.
Authors: Research Team: Faculty of Education, Deakin University, Australia and National Research Institute, Papua New Guinea
The main aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of the processes implemented by Curriculum Development Division (CDD) and Curriculum Reform Implementation Project (CRIP) to develop elementary syllabuses and locally developed support materials including consultation and trialling processes.
Impact Study 6 was undertaken by Deakin University and the PNG National Research Institute through the AusAID funded Curriculum Reform Implementation Project (CRIP).
The Report findings have identified that the research action method used was an appropriate approach. The approach uses teachers as researchers and is well suited to the PNG context given the geographical and economic constraints in traveling and given the linguistic and cultural diversity across the country.
The research design for this impact study consisted of 3 elements:
- A two-stage longitudinal quantitative survey of all elementary teachers in eight provinces and the National Capital District (NCD)
- A three-stage action research study of selected sites within those eight provinces and NCD
- Case-study work with CRIP-related key informants and stakeholders.
Each of these elements has commenced, description of which is included in this report. Generally progress has been good and all elements of the research are underway according to the research design. The main aims of the research, as detailed in the Scope of Services, are to study:
- The effectiveness of the processes implemented by CDD and CRIP to develop elementary syllabuses and locally developed support materials including consultation and trialling processes
- The perceptions of teachers, head teachers, elementary trainers and elementary inspectors of the quality of the syllabuses and their effectiveness in supporting community-based learning
- The perceptions of teachers and head teachers about the quality and effectiveness of the teachers guide, the implementation support booklet and other teacher support materials supported by CDD
- The processes used by teachers to implement the new syllabuses and their effectiveness
- The impact of the syllabuses on teacher practice, student participation in schooling, students attitudes to school and community support for elementary education
- The relevance, quality and effectiveness of the teacher in-service materials and the processes used to implement the in-service training.
PNG Curriculum Reform Implementation Project [PDF 544KB]
Available: Electronic version only
This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.
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