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Poverty Reduction through Women's Leadership in Indonesia

Summary of publication

This concept note describes a program of support that would positively affect the lives of poor women across Indonesia. The proposed program will build leadership within government and civil society around a series of core thematic areas that have been identified through consultations and analysis as constituting key constraints to advancing the needs of poor women. The four program areas are (a) increasing access to jobs and removing workplace discrimination; (b) improving women's access to government programs for social protection; (c) improving conditions for women's overseas labor migration; and (d) strengthening women's leadership for better health and reproductive rights.

Action in all four areas is a high priority for both government and civil society. They are also areas of priority for the Australia-Indonesia partnership. By focusing on specific areas for action, the program will be building on the partnership's existing relationships and areas of comparative advantage.

Full publication

Last Updated: 30 July 2012
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