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Preparing ASEAN for Open Sky


Research Report: Discusses how the ASEAN countries can move towards Open Sky.


Author: Peter Forsyth, John King, Cherry Lyn Rodolfo, Keith Trace: Monash International Pty Ltd

This Report discusses how the ASEAN countries can move towards Open Sky. Open Sky is a target which has been set for 2015 in 'The Roadmap for the Integration of ASEAN: Competitive Air Services Policy', prepared by the ASEAN Air Transport Working Group and endorsed by the ASEAN Transport Ministers during the during their 9th Meeting in Myanmar last October 2003. Open Sky will be an important component of the overall economic integration of ASEAN, since transport links are critical to bringing down barriers to trade, and facilitating change.

The objective of this Report is to assist in preparing ASEAN for Open Sky in several ways: by providing information about what Open Sky has meant for other regions; by outlining the dimensions of Open Sky - the various policy options open to ASEAN countries; by indicating how these are likely to work; by outlining the benefits and costs which are likely to be associated with these policy options; by providing countries with a framework with which they can analyse the probable impacts from individual policy options, and from Open Sky as a whole; by indicating possible problem areas, and how they can be addressed; and by suggesting ways in which the move to Open Sky can be facilitated.

Recognizing the differences in the levels of economic development and capabilities of the airlines, the study proposes the creation of three sub-regional groupings prior to the ASEAN-wide Open Sky namely: Cambodia- Laos-Myanmar-Vietnam plus Thailand and Brunei (CLMV+T+B), Vietnam- Indonesia-Philippines plus Brunei (VIP+B), and Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand plus Brunei (SMT+B). It expands policy options to be covered by the liberalization process and proposes a timeframe for the implementation of policy packages within the framework set by the Roadmap. Facilitation measures are explored to manage the transition phase given that negotiating moves towards any open skies agreement is normally a difficult process.

Preparing ASEAN for Open Sky [PDF 816KB]

Available: Electronic version only

This report was commissioned by AusAID. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of AusAID or the Australian Government.

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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