Summary of publication
This report presents the findings of an external review of the overall progress of the Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF), in particular since the Independent Progress Review in 2012. The review findings, and recommendations for remedial actions, would be utilised as bases for management decisions and subsequent changes in implementation policy, and strategy. This would also provide guidance to the Facility Management Group and DFAT on the PRMF status, and direction, and to the Support Contractor for the remainder of the PRMF.
Full publication
- External Review Report [PDF 228KB]
- External Review Report [DOCX 105KB]
- Management Response [PDF 55KB]
- Management Response [DOCX 38KB]
Description of the project
PRMF is a bi-lateral grant from the Australian Government that seeks to promote economic growth and access to public services in selected provinces of the southern Philippines. The Facility contributes to this goal by:
- Improving government processes and practices associated with Local Road Management
- Improving progressively local road conditions by providing additional resources as incentives to eligible provinces that have demonstrated reforms in LRM practices
- Improving coordination among national government programs in LRM
Two key features of PRMF are:
- The emphasis on strengthening and using, as much as possible, Philippine government systems to deliver PRMF activities.
- Undertaking the program with the intention of translating lessons learned into a larger, nationally driven, local roads management program, with broader system and infrastructure impacts beyond roads.