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Records Disposal Authority

National Archives of Australia

Job no 2003/00622439

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the National Archives of Australia. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be directed to the Publications Manager, National Archives of Australia, PO Box 7425, Canberra Mail Centre ACT 2610, Australia.



Disposal authorisation

Under Section 24 of the Archives Act 1983 a person must not engage in conduct that results in the destruction or other disposal of a Commonwealth record; or the transfer of the custody or ownership of a Commonwealth record; or damage to or alteration of a Commonwealth record; unless the action of disposal is positively required by law, or takes place with the permission of the Archives or in accordance with a normal administrative practice of which the Archives does not disapprove.

Advice on the provisions of the Archives Act may be obtained from any National Archives office.

Where required, the Archives gives its permission for the destruction or other disposal of Commonwealth records by issuing disposal authorities. The Archives also uses disposal authorities to identify classes of records that have been appraised as requiring retention as national archives, or to modify or withdraw its permission for disposal.

Disposal authorities may be issued to a particular agency or agencies, or may be of general application within the Commonwealth.

Purpose of this authority

This authority authorises the destruction or other disposal of Commonwealth records as required by the Archives Act. It may also contain descriptions of records to be retained as national archives.

The requirements to retain records are based on business needs, broader organisational accountability and community expectations. This authority takes into consideration the interest of all stakeholders including the agency and its administrative needs in discharging its functional responsibilities, as well the Archives' stakeholders' interests in the selection and preservation of records as national archives. For information on the Archives' appraisal objectives and the selection of records as national archives, see the Archives' publication Why Records are Kept, Directions in Appraisal.

Using this authority

This authority applies only to the records or classes of records described in the authority. The destruction or other disposal of records can be made only in accordance with the specific requirements set out in this authority.

This authority is to be used to sentence records. Sentencing involves the examination of records in order to identify the individual disposal class to which they belong. This process enables the sentencing officer to determine the appropriate disposal action for the records. Advice on sentencing can be obtained from your nearest National Archives office.

Where the method of recording the information changes (eg from a manual card system to an electronic system, or when information is migrated from one system to a new system) this authority can still be used to sentence the records created, providing the records document the same function and activity. The information must be accessible for the period of time prescribed in the authority. Agencies will need to ensure that any software, hardware or documentation required to enable continuing access to the data is available for the periods prescribed.

The authority may include specific requirements to destroy records but generally retention requirements indicate a minimum period for retention. The agency may extend minimum retention periods if it considers that there is an administrative need to do so. Where an agency believes that its accountability will be substantially compromised because a retention period or periods are not adequate, the agency should contact the National Archives for review of the retention period.

This authority should be used in conjunction with the Administrative Functions Disposal Authority (AFDA) issued by the Archives to cover housekeeping and other administrative records common to most Commonwealth agencies. For certain agencies, it is not appropriate to use all the disposal coverage in AFDA because some of the activities as described, or retention requirements identified, do not meet the agencies' needs. If this is the case, alternative disposal arrangements may be included in this authority or may have already been included in an earlier records disposal authority.

Records already sentenced as 'retain permanently' using previous Records Disposal Authorities (RDAs) and which fall within the date range of the function(s) scoped in this authority should now be re-sentenced.

From time to time the National Archives places 'freezes' on the disposal of some groups of records, which places a moratorium on the destruction of these records. If you require further information about disposal freezes and whether they affect the application of this Records Disposal Authority, please contact the National Archives at

Appropriate arrangements need to be made with the National Archives when records are to be transferred into custody. The National Archives accepts for transfer only those records designated as national archives.

Amendment of this authority

The National Archives must approve all amendments or variations to the classes in this authority. Officers who have difficulty using the authority should approach the agency Records Manager. If there are problems with the application of the authority that cannot be resolved by the agency, the Records Manager should contact the National Archives.

Contact information

1. For requests to change this authority contact the Canberra Office of the National Archives of Australia

2. For sentencing advice contact your local office of the National Archives.

The address and phone number of your local office can be found at the National Archives website address above.


RDA Job No 2003/00622439


Person to whom notice of authorisation is given:
Janette Ryan

Assistant Secretary

Information Resources Branch

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

RG Casey Building, John McEwen Crescent

Barton ACT 0221
All functional records

This authorisation applies to only the disposal of the records described on the authority in accordance with the disposal action specified on the authority. The authority will apply only if disposal takes place with the consent of the agency that is responsible at the time of disposal for the functions documented in the records concerned.

Authorising Officer:
National Archives of Australia

Rodney Teakle

Acting Director

Recordkeeping Implementation
Date of issue:
2 December 2003
Date of amendment:
Expiry date:


The function of managing the activities of foundations, councils and institutes where the Department provides secretariat services. Includes the appointment and separation of board members, remuneration, board meetings, committees established by boards, and arrangements for board members to travel on board business.

For granting of financial assistance for cultural activities, use PUBLIC DIPLOMACY – Financial Assistance.

For foreign policy advice to government by foundations, councils and institutes, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – Advice.

For financial assistance for developing countries, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – Financial Assistance.


The activities involved in arranging for a journey or trip. Includes preparing travel itineraries, authorisations, entitlements etc Also includes arrangements made for the delivery of equipment or goods and the usage made of facilities, vehicles, equipment and space.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting arrangements for board members to undertake a journey or trip for board related purposes. Includes itineraries and programs.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The activities associated with officially checking financial, quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the organisation in a specified period. Includes compliance audits, financial audits, operational audits, recordkeeping audits, skills audits, system audits and quality assurance audits.

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final internal and external audit reports relating to the board administration function.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the planning and conduct of internal and external audits relating to the board administration function. Includes:

  • routine correspondence with auditing body
  • minutes of meetings
  • notes taken at opening and exit interviews
  • draft report
  • comments

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Board Meetings

The activities associated with holding meetings in which the board members collectively exercise the powers or functions entrusted in them.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of board minutes.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of board meetings. Includes:

  • agenda
  • notices of meetings
  • draft minutes
  • booking of venue
  • meeting notifications
  • draft summaries

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Board Membership

The activities associated with managing the composition of boards. Includes the nomination, appointment and termination of members to foundations, institutes, councils and advisory bodies.

For remuneration of board members, use BOARD ADMINISTRATION - Remuneration.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting recommendations or nominations for board membership that are successful.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 10 years after termination of appointment


Records documenting the appointment of board members, including acting appointments. Includes:

  • nominations
  • copies of letters of appointment
  • letters of acceptance
  • consultations

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 10 years after termination of appointment


Records documenting the termination of a board membership.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 10 years after termination of appointment


Records advising the Minister of changes to board membership.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


Records documenting recommendations or nominations for board membership that are not successful.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc.

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of committees established by the board. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • appointment of committee members
  • terms of reference of meetings
  • final versions of minutes
  • reports, briefing papers
  • supporting documents tabled at board meetings

(Date range: 1976 - )

Destroy 10 years after committee dissolved


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the board administration function.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 1 year after production of procedures


Master set of manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the board administration function.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy when procedures are superseded


Copies of manuals, handbooks, directives, etc.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities associated with managing the payment of fees and allowances for services performed by appointed members of foundations, councils, institutes, advisory bodies, working groups and committees.

For financial records associated with the payment process, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Payments.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the payment of remunerations and allowances to board members. Includes

  • copies of receipts
  • claim forms
  • reimbursement statements

(Date range: 1973 - )

Destroy 7 years after payment


Copies of remuneration rulings from remuneration tribunal.

(Date range: 1973 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

For design and printing of annual reports, use PUBLICATION.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of reports that concern controversial issues, provide significant knowledge and understanding between the peoples of Australia and other countries, or which result in major changes to policy, programs or operations. Includes meeting briefs and reports of board committees.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of reports that do not concern controversial issues, do not provide significant knowledge and understanding between the peoples of Australia and other countries, or result in only minor changes to policy, programs or operations. Includes meeting briefs.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and distribution of all reports. Includes drafts and comments received.

(Date range: 1958 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The function of managing cases involving personal emergencies experienced by individual Australians travelling or residing overseas. Emergencies could include
hospitalisation, robbery, arrest or death.

For assistance to groups of Australians affected by a crisis situation (e.g. war, earthquake, terrorist attack), use CRISIS MANAGEMENT.

For provision of advice regarding personal emergencies that do not require further consular assistance, use CONSULAR SERVICES – Advice.

Arrest and Detention Case Management

The activities associated with assisting Australians arrested or detained in foreign countries. Includes involvement in pardoning proceedings.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting cases of arrest or detention where substantial action is taken by the agency, there is intervention by the Minister or government, the case is unusual, contentious or widely publicised; or the case establishes precedent affecting agency policy, procedures or operations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other cases of arrest or detention that are routine and where no substantial action is taken by the agency. Includes visit program plans, estimate of financial cost and next of kin details.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Child Welfare Case Management

The activities associated with protecting the welfare of Australian children overseas. Includes child abduction cases and the adoption of overseas children by Australian citizens.

For assault against a child not related to abduction, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Victim Case Management.

For death of a child, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Death Case Management.

For sickness, injury or hospitalisation of a child, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Medical Case Management.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the coordination for the recovery of abducted children or situations of child welfare protection where substantial action is taken by the agency, the case is unusual, contentious or attracts high media interest, child is not returned to parent awarded custody, or the case establishes precedent affecting agency policy.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the agency's assistance with the adoption of overseas children by Australian parents.

(Date range: 1901 - )

For cases where the agency gives advice regarding overseas adoptions and provides no further assistance, use CONSULAR SERVICES - Advice.

Destroy 7 years after minor reaches 18 years of age


Records relating to cases of child abduction or custody suits where the case is routine and is not regarded as unusual or contentious, and does not attracts high media interest.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after minor reaches 18 years of age


Records relating to cases of child abduction or custody suits where no substantial action is taken by the agency, or case is designated as a private matter.

(Date range: 1901 - ).

Destroy 7 years after minor reaches 18 years of age

Death Case Management

The activities associated with providing assistance where an Australian has died overseas. Includes notification of the death, managing the personal belongings of the deceased and the return of the body to Australia or the disposal of the body overseas.

For cases where an Australian is missing, but believed dead, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Whereabouts Case Management.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records relating to the death of an Australian in a crisis situation where the agency's crisis centre was activated, the crisis is a result of terrorism, the crisis is unusual, contentious or widely publicised, or the case establishes precedent affecting agency policy, procedures and operations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records relating to the death of an Australian overseas where substantial action is taken by the agency, the case is unusual, contentious or widely publicised, or the case establishes precedent affecting agency policy, procedures and operations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records relating to the death of an Australian overseas where no substantial action is taken by the agency.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records relating to custody and transmission of personal property held in trust by the agency. Includes cases where the property is unclaimed.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records relating to the arrangement for the funeral of an Australian who dies overseas, where the funeral is handled by the agency.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records relating to the settlement of estates of Australians by the agency.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Medical Case Management

The activities associated with assisting sick, injured or hospitalised Australians living or travelling overseas. Includes medical evacuations.

For patient's undertaking to repay or the agency's actions to recover or waiver the debt, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records associated with assistance provided to sick, injured or hospitalised Australians. Includes medical evacuations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Contact lists of medical practitioners and facilities.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy when lists are superseded

Repatriation Case Management

The activities associated with repatriation assistance to Australians abroad who are unable to finance their return to Australia. Includes indemnity proceedings.

For medical repatriations, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Medical Case Management.

For repayment of repatriation costs or the agency's actions to recover or waiver the debt, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting.

For coordinating the evacuation of people due to a crisis or emergency, use CRISIS MANAGEMENT - Evacuations.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the repatriation of individuals to Australia. Includes:

  • repatriation approval
  • Undertaking to Repay form
  • indemnity documentation

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Victim Case Management

The activities associated with assisting Australians overseas who have been victims of serious crime, such as assault, robbery, and kidnapping. Excludes petty theft and murder.

For Australians who are the victims of petty theft and only require short term help, such as assistance with stolen passport or money, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Welfare Case Management.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting assistance to Australians who are victims of crime (e.g. theft, kidnapping, rape) where substantial action is taken by the agency, there is intervention by the Minister or government, the case is unusual, contentious or widely publicised, or the case establishes precedent affecting agency policy, procedures and operations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting assistance to Australians who are victims of criminal activity where no substantial action is taken by the agency.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Welfare Case Management

The activities associated with assisting Australians overseas who need short term help, such as help with stolen valuables, passport or money.

For Australians who are victims of major robbery, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Victim Case Management.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting welfare assistance provided to Australians.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Whereabouts Case Management

The activities associated with undertaking enquiries into the whereabouts or welfare of Australians living or travelling overseas.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting enquiries about the whereabouts of Australians travelling or living overseas where the person cannot be found.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting enquiries about the whereabouts of Australians overseas where substantial action is undertaken by the agency and the person is found.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records documenting routine enquiries about the whereabouts of Australians overseas where only minor action is required and no welfare action is provided.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The function of assisting and protecting the interests of Australians overseas in accordance with international law. Includes handling notarial acts, co-ordination of claims for United Nations compensation, registration of Australians travelling or residing overseas, provision of travel advice, monitoring situations and co-operative consular arrangements.

For assistance to individual Australians travelling or residing overseas, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT.

For establishment of Australian and foreign consular posts, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – Post Establishment.

For renewing or reporting the loss of travel documents, such as passports, use PASSPORT SERVICES.

For production and distribution of consular publications, use PUBLICATION.

For events to promote the image of Australia, use PUBLIC DIPLOMACY – Event Management.

For protection and assistance to Australians in the event of crises such as civil emergencies, disasters (e.g. earthquake) or acts of terrorism, requiring integrated and coordinated action by consular staff and the agency's head office, use CRISIS MANAGEMENT.

Addresses (presentations)

The activity of giving addresses for training, professional, community relations or sales purposes. Includes speeches and multi-media presentations.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of addresses presented to support the consular services function. Includes speeches and multi-media presentations.

(Date range: 1988 - )

Destroy 2 years after last presentation


Working papers documenting the development of presentations supporting the consular services function. Includes:

  • requests for presentation
  • research documentation
  • drafts

(Date range: 1988 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

For development and dissemination of travel advice and associated information, use CONSULAR SERVICES - Travel Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the consular services function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the consular services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the consular services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of international treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of significant agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities associated with officially checking financial, quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the organisation in a specified period. Includes compliance audits, financial audits, operational audits, recordkeeping audits, skills audits, system audits and quality assurance audits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final internal and external audit reports relating to the consular services function.

(Date range: 1930 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the planning and conduct of internal and external audits relating to the consular services function. Includes:

  • routine correspondence with auditing body
  • minutes of meetings
  • notes taken at opening and exit interviews
  • draft report
  • comments

(Date range: 1930 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The process of administering and managing payments demanded in accordance with an insurance policy as compensation for injury, death, or denial of rights of a person, or damage to or destruction of property. Includes disputes over rights and ownership, and recompense sought for stolen or lost property.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting claims for compensation for injury, death, loss or damage of property and loss of income, following an international conflict, such as war.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 10 years after finalisation of claim


Records documenting other compensation claims where the claims are regarded as unwarranted or private matters.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting attendance of agency personnel, as representatives of the agency at conferences arranged by other organisations and related to the consular services function. Includes:

  • completed registration forms
  • programs
  • conference promotional material
  • participants' reports

(Date range: 1959 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the consular services function. Includes minutes of meetings with main stakeholders, and performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 1959 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract

Customer Service

The activities associated with the planning, monitoring and evaluation of services provided to customers by the organisation.

For overall evaluation of work performance, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Performance Management.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of service charters and directives relating to the provision of consular services to clients.

(Date range: 1999 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of service charters and directives relating to the provision of consular services to clients.

(Date range: 1999 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The activities associated with handling requests for information about the organisation and its services by the general public, agency employees or another organisation.

For enquiries regarding consular assistance for individual emergencies, use CONSULAR SERVICES - Consular Assistance.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the handling of enquiries on the whereabouts of foreign nationals visiting or residing in Australia where substantial investigation is required, or where the case is unusual, contentious or affects policies and procedures.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting the handling of other enquiries on the whereabouts of foreign nationals visiting or residing in Australia, which involve minor action.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


Records documenting the handling of routine enquiries regarding consular services.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, items of equipment, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of the given situation. Includes systems analysis and ongoing monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting surveys and other assessments of products, programs, processes, systems or services relating to the consular services function. Includes:

  • evaluation criteria
  • draft and final version of survey/evaluation forms
  • returned survey forms
  • results of survey
  • recommendations

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with carrying out or putting into action, plans, policies, procedures or instructions, all of which could be internally or externally driven. Includes manual or automated databases, applications or systems, but excludes installation of equipment. Also includes monitoring to ensure the implementation goes according to schedule and that standards are met and includes first aid treatment.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the implementation of plans, recommendations, policies, procedures and instructions to support the consular services function.

(Date range: 1998 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring of overseas developments by posts and contacts.

(Date range: 1967 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Notarial Acts

The activities associated with providing a service to authenticate documents executed in Australia for use overseas, or executed overseas for use in Australia. Includes maintaining sample signatures and seals.

For financial records associated with the payment of fees, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the performance of notarial services by consular officers.

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Sample signatures and material used to authenticate documents.

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 3 years after superseded


The activities associated with developing and establishing decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making, as the basis from which the organisation's operating procedures are determined.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and establishment of consular services policies. Includes:

  • policy proposals
  • research papers
  • results of consultations
  • supporting reports
  • major drafts
  • final policy documents

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after policy is superseded


Working papers documenting the development of consular services policies.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 3 years after promulgation of new policy


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of consular instructions detailing procedures supporting the consular services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Master set of other departmental manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the consular services function. Excludes consular instructions.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after procedures are superseded


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the consular services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after production of procedures

Public reaction

The process of handling public reaction to an organisation's policies or services. Includes anonymous letters, letters of complaint and letters of congratulations or appreciation received from the public.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the receipt, investigation and reply to complaints or comments relating to the consular services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 6 years after action completed


The activities associated with the registration of Australians residing or travelling overseas.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Registers or lists of Australians visiting or residing in a specified country.

(Date range: 1943 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records supporting the registration of Australians visiting or residing in a specified country. Includes

  • registration cards
  • update particulars
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1943 - )

Destroy 30 days after registration or amendment process completed


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of unpublished formal reports initiated by Parliament, Minister, or statutory body which relates to policy, strategy, or framework of consular services.

(Date range: 1913 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of unpublished formal reports initiated by Parliament, Minister, or statutory body which relates to policy, strategy, or framework of consular services.

(Date range: 1913 - )

Destroy 50 years after action completed


Final versions of internal or external reports relating to the consular services function. Includes:

  • statistical reports
  • post evaluation reports
  • management reports
  • incident and contact reports

(Date range: 1913 - )

Destroy 6 years after action completed


Chronological run of Third Person Notes (In and Out) used to inform or advise about a particular issue.

(Date range: 1913 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1913 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities involved in re-evaluating or re-examining products, processes, procedures, standards and systems. Includes recommendations and advice resulting from these activities.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of reviews relating to consular services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Working papers relating to the review of programs and operations supporting consular services function. Includes:

  • review request
  • arrangement details for interviews and surveys
  • reference material
  • interview and survey documentation
  • draft review document
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the consular services function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT)
  • draft contracts
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 1993 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 1993 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 1993 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender

Travel Advice

The activities associated with managing and delivering travel information programs to alert Australians to potential difficulties overseas. Includes travel advice and warnings.

For production and promulgation of other travel brochures and hints, use PUBLICATION.

For regular monitoring of current affairs overseas, which may result in identification of the need for travel advice, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Country-specific travel advice notices that have been issued and which focus on risks to Australian travellers.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after travel advice is issued


General advice notices which have been issued and provide general information (such as the need for travel insurance) to Australian travellers.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after notice has been promulgated


Travel bulletins that have been issued and which focus on specific issues or events which may affect Australian travellers (such as natural disasters or civil disruptions).

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after bulletin is promulgated


The function of providing protection and assistance to Australians and other approved nationals in the event of civil emergencies, disasters (e.g. earthquake) or acts of terrorism, requiring integrated and coordinated action by mission staff and Canberra. Includes assessing risks, developing contingency plans, maintaining the warden network system, providing advice and the convening of task forces to manage the crisis.

For assistance to individuals affected by crises, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT.

For update and distribution of travel advice during a crisis, use CONSULAR SERVICES – Travel Advice.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

For travel advice issued during periods of a crisis, use CONSULAR SERVICES - Travel Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the crisis management function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1940 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the crisis management function.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Advice - Continued

The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

For travel advice issued during periods of a crisis, use CONSULAR SERVICES - Travel Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the crisis management function.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting agency liaison processes relating to crisis management function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Briefing Sessions

The activities associated with gatherings held to inform, discuss, update or resolve issues and matters relating to the management of a crisis. Includes arrangements, agenda, documenting proceedings, etc. Excludes committee or task force meetings.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting briefing sessions relating to significant crises involving the activation of the crisis centre. Includes:

  • agenda
  • briefing information
  • proceedings
  • talking points

(Date range: 1940 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting briefing sessions relating to other crises. Includes

  • agenda
  • briefing information
  • proceedings
  • talking points

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc.

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of committees, such as Departmental Emergency Task Force and Inter-Departmental Emergency Task Force, formed to handle crisis situations where the agency provides the Secretariat. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee/task force
  • final versions of minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1978 - )

Retain as national archives


Records of committees, such as Inter-Departmental Emergency Task Force, formed to handle crisis situations and where the agency is not Secretariat. Includes:

  • copies of minutes
  • copies of documents tabled at meetings
  • copies of reports and directives

(Date range: 1978 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of crisis management committees. Includes agenda, notices of meetings and draft minutes.

(Date range: 1978 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Crisis Centre Management

The activities associated with establishing and maintaining a coordination centre for all communications in relation to a crisis.

For monitoring of crisis situations, use CRISIS MANAGEMENT - Monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the management of the crisis centre. Includes:

  • recommendation to activate centre
  • allocation lists of resources
  • copies of passenger manifests

(Date range: 1997 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Crisis Enquiries

The activities associated with handling requests for information about a crisis or people allegedly affected by a crisis. Includes calls received by helplines set up to handle emergency enquiries.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the handling of enquiries from the public relating to the welfare of family and acquaintances associated with a crisis.

(Date range: 1985 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The activities associated with managing the evacuation of people from emergency situations. Includes medical evacuations as a result of crisis situations.

For personal details on individuals who are part of a medical evacuation, use CONSULAR CASE MANAGEMENT - Medical Case Management.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the evacuation of Australian and approved foreign nationals from potential danger. Includes:

  • approval to evacuate
  • lists of sea and air embarkation points
  • assessments of modes of evacuation
  • information sheet
  • passenger manifests
  • indemnity from liability forms
  • evacuee boarding passes
  • next of kin notification consent forms

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, items of equipment, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of the given situation. Includes systems analysis and ongoing monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final evaluation report of the agency's response to a crisis.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Retain as national archives


Other records documenting the evaluation of the agency's response to a crisis.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring of crisis developments by posts and contacts. Includes:

  • copies of newspapers and media reporting
  • notes on observations and meetings
  • telephone conversation notes
  • progress reports

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master copies of mission contingency plans. Includes:

  • communication details
  • city and country maps
  • mission details
  • transportation details

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 3 years after superseded


Records documenting the development of contingency plans. Includes:

  • identified risks
  • reference information
  • draft plans
  • comments

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy after plan is superseded


Copies of mission contingency plans. Includes:

  • communication details
  • city and country maps
  • mission details
  • transportation details

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities associated with developing and establishing decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making, as the basis from which the organisation's operating procedures are determined.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final policy documents and major drafts documenting the development and establishment of crisis management policies.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Retain as national archives


Other records documenting the development and establishment of crisis management policies. Includes policy proposals, research papers, results of consultations and supporting reports.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 3 years after promulgation of new policy


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the crisis management function.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 10 years after procedures are superseded


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the crisis management function.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Public reaction

The process of handling public reaction to an organisation's policies or services. Includes anonymous letters, letters of complaint and letters of congratulations or appreciation received from the public.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the receipt, investigation and reply to complaints, compliments or comments relating to the crisis management function.

(Date range: 2002 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of formal reports documenting developments, decisions and actions relating to the crisis management function. Includes:

  • situation reports (sitreps)
  • talking points
  • progress reports

(Date range: 1940 - )

Retain as national archives


Other reports relating to the crisis management function.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of all reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities associated with responding to crisis situations. Includes notification and confirmation of crisis, mobilising the department's resources to deal with the situation and handling communications.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the response to crises. Includes:

  • notification of emergency
  • details of Australians involved
  • response plans

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The activities involved in re-evaluating or re-examining products, processes, procedures, standards and systems. Includes recommendations and advice resulting from these activities.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the review of the agency's response to a crisis.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting the review of mission contingency plans.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 3 years after superseded


Working papers documenting the review of agency operations and contingency plans related to the crisis management function.

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Risk management

The process involving identification of risks, likelihood and consequences of those risks and implementation of appropriate practice and procedures to treat the risks.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting risk management relating to the crisis management function. Includes:

  • classification of risks
  • lists of risk indicators
  • lists of risks/threats

(Date range: 1964 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Warden Network

The activities associated in establishing and maintaining a warden system whereby selected members of the community are responsible for passing on emergency information to a specified list of Australians within their area.

For briefing sessions to outline wardens' responsibilities in a crisis, use CRISIS MANAGEMENT - Briefing Sessions.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the management of the warden network. Includes:

  • contact details of warden
  • allocation lists of wardens to specific areas
  • contact lists of Australians residing in or visiting warden's area
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 2000 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The function of managing the organisation's historical resources. Includes agreements regarding access to historical resources, conducting reference enquiries for clients, maintaining information on overseas posts and personnel, producing and maintaining guidelines outlining potential current sensitivities and the preparation for publication of scholarly volumes of diplomatic documents.

For publication and distribution of diplomatic documents, use PUBLICATION.

For managing permission to publish material subject to Crown copyright, use PUBLICATION – Intellectual Property.

For management of the organisation's information resources in general, including the collection of historical photographs, use INFORMATION MANAGEMENT.


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the arrangements between the agency and the Commonwealth archiving authority or authorities from other countries, in regards to records that are exempt from public access.

(Date range: 1985 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement

Historical Research

The activities associated with conducting historical research. Includes compiling and editing diplomatic documents prior to publication.

For publication and distribution of diplomatic documents, use PUBLICATION.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of the agency's Policy Administration Circulars.

(Date range: 1969 - )

Retain as national archives


Personnel records of prominent people, including former Heads of Mission, Ambassadors, Consul-Generals etc.

(Date range: 1969 - )

Retain as national archives


Master set of the agency's Information Circulars.

(Date range: 1969 - )

Destroy 5 years after issue of circular


Photocopies of agency documents supporting historical publications and collected according to the publication's criteria.

(Date range: 1969 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and establishment of guidelines regarding sensitivity of records. Includes identifying specific information as exempt or available for public access.

(Date range: 1994 - )

Destroy when guidelines are superseded

Reference Enquiries

The activities associated with providing a reference service to locate research material from the department's historical record collection.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting reference enquiries regarding historical records. Includes:

  • enquiry
  • research findings
  • lists of files or documents

(Date range: 1983 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The function of monitoring, advising and developing strategies, agreements and policy advice in regards to international issues such as the environment, human rights and democratic principles. Includes providing financial assistance to other countries and international organisations; conducting consultations and maintaining relationships with foreign countries and international organisations; participation and support for international treaties/agreements; establishment of diplomatic posts and management of international visits to and from Australia.

For financial assistance to individuals or groups to promote awareness and understanding between Australia and other countries, use PUBLIC DIPLOMACY.

For participation in international trade negotiations, use TRADE NEGOTIATIONS.

For policies and strategies relating to international trade, use TRADE POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT.

For protecting Australia's security interests and defence, use INTERNATIONAL SECURITY.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the international relations function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the international relations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the international relations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting agency liaison processes relating to the international relations function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

For arrangements associated with provisions of bilateral and multilateral agreements, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Co-Operative Arrangements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of international treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of international agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final version of other agreements. Includes negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of the agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

For committees specifically formed by Boards, Councils, Foundations, Institutes, etc to advise the government on specific international relations issues, use BOARD ADMINISTRATION - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of external inter-government or inter-agency committees established to deal with international issues, where the agency is Secretariat or is the Australian representative, including the United Nations and Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • appointments to committee
  • final versions of minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1921 - )

Retain as national archives


Records of other external committees where the agency is not Secretariat and is not the Australian representative, including Joint Business Council. Records include:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion papers

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records of internal agency committees formed to consider matters relating to the international relations function. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion papers

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of all committees relating to the international relations function. Includes:

  • agenda
  • notices of meetings
  • draft minutes

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Proceedings of high-level international conferences or conventions established to deal with international issues, where the conference is hosted by the agency or where the agency is the Australian representative. Includes Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Proceedings of other conferences or conventions supporting the international relations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting administrative arrangements for conferences and conventions supporting the international relations function. Includes:

  • venue details and arrangements
  • catering details
  • attendance and registration details
  • promotional material
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • reports on conduct of conferences

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with conducting regular exchange of views. Includes dialogues, discussions, talks and consultations on various issues.

For organising visits to attend consultations, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Visit Programs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting consultations with representatives from world power countries or regional neighbours and supporting the international relations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other consultations (international and domestic) supporting the international relations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the international relations function. Includes: minutes of meetings with main stakeholders; performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 1972 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract

Co-operative Arrangements

The activities related to negotiating and monitoring arrangements associated with provisions of bilateral and multilateral agreements, in regards to issues such as criminal deportation and co-operations between courts.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of international co-operative arrangements to which Australia is a party. Includes negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of arrangements.

(Date range: 1976 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of arrangement

Financial Assistance

The activities associated with providing financial assistance for projects or programs.

For financial records relating to management of financial assistance, use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting and/or FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Payments.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting successful applications for financial assistance supporting the international relations function. Includes:

  • applications
  • approvals
  • progress reports

(Date range: 1975 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records documenting unsuccessful applications for financial assistance supporting the international relations function.

(Date range: 1975 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

International Representations

The activities associated with advocacy and representations made to foreign governments on behalf of Australian individuals, groups, industry, business or government.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting representations to foreign governments on behalf of other government agencies, leading community interest groups, peak industry groups, recognised influential stakeholders and individuals, concerning issues that establish precedent, that impact on Australia's relationship with another country, that involve considerable public interest or debate, or that establish precedent. Includes:

  • copies of letters received
  • representation documentation
  • notes on meetings
  • responses

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other Australian representations to foreign governments. Includes:

  • copies of letters received
  • representation documentation
  • notes on meetings
  • responses

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

International Representatives

The activities associated with the nomination, appointment or resignation of individuals or groups appointed as official representatives of Australia, Australian industry or the organisation to international organisations, offices, committees, councils or groups.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting successful campaigns for the appointment of Australian representatives to international organisations, offices, committees, councils or groups.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Registers and databases documenting support for Australian candidates in international elections.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain permanently in agency


Records documenting unsuccessful campaigns for appointments of Australian representatives to international organisations, offices, committees, councils or groups.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 15 years after action completed


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring of international developments by posts and contacts.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Post Establishment

The activities associated with the establishment of relations between Australia and other countries, including proposals for the establishment, status, classification and consular district of missions, posts or offices. Includes foreign posts established in Australia and Australian posts established overseas. Also includes the withdrawal of consular posts.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the establishment of a foreign consular post in Australia.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the establishment of an Australian consular post overseas.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the rejection for establishment of a foreign consular post in Australia.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the rejection for establishment of an Australian consular post overseas.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of unpublished formal reports initiated by Parliament, Minister, or statutory body which relates to policy, strategy, or framework of international relations. Includes working papers.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of formal internal, external and periodic and non-periodic reports relating to the international relations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of formal internal, external and periodic and non-periodic reports . Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the international relations function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT)
  • draft contracts
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 1972 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 1972 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 1972 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender

Visit Programs

The activities associated with arranging, supporting and undertaking visits to or from Australia by individuals, delegations, cultural or sporting groups, or representatives, to inform, educate or promote the image and interests of Australia and other countries.

For visits concerned with promoting the profile, services, operation or role of the agency, use COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Visits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting significant visits of foreign dignitaries to Australia, such as visits by the leader of a country, or significant visits by Australian dignitaries to foreign countries. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other visits of foreign dignitaries to Australia. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting other visits of Australian dignitaries to foreign countries. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • briefings
  • visit reports

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The function of protecting and advancing Australia's security interests through contributions to international security. Includes providing advice, negotiating agreements, participating in conferences and defence/security exercises, undertaking consultations and outreach programs regarding security issues, and monitoring international security situations.

For agency's regulatory security activities under legislation concerned with nuclear non-proliferation and chemical weapons prohibition, use NON-PROLIFERATION AND SAFEGUARDS.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the international security function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the international security function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Advice - Continued

The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the international security function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party. Includes negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of inter-government or inter-agency committees established to deal with international security issues, where the agency is Secretariat or is the Australian representative. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • appointments to committee
  • final versions of minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1945 - )

Retain as national archives


Records of internal agency committees formed to consider matters relating to the international security function. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records of other high-level inter-government or inter-agency committees relating to the international security function, where the agency is not Secretariat or is not the Australian representative. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion papers

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Committees - Continued

The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of all committees relating to the international security function. Includes:

  • agenda
  • notices of meetings
  • draft minutes

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Proceedings of high-level international conferences or conventions supporting the international security function where the conference is hosted by the agency or where the agency is the Australian representative.

(Date range: 1919 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting administrative arrangements for high-level international conferences and conventions hosted by the agency or where the agency is the Australian representative. Includes:

  • venue details and arrangements
  • catering details
  • attendance and registration details
  • promotional material
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • reports on conduct of conferences

(Date range: 1919 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Conferences - Continued

The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting other conferences or conventions supporting the international security function. Includes:

  • venue details and arrangements
  • catering details
  • attendance and registration details
  • promotional material
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • reports on conduct of conferences

(Date range: 1919 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The activities associated with conducting regular exchange of views. Includes dialogues, discussions, talks and consultations on various issues.

For organising visits to attend consultations, use INTERNATIONAL SECURITY - Visit Programs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting consultations with representatives from world power countries or regional neighbours relating to the international security function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other consultations supporting the international security function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Exercise Management

The activities associated with managing the agency's involvement in security exercises with other agencies.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the management of international security exercises organised by the agency. Includes:

  • planning
  • minutes of meetings
  • media briefs
  • liaison details with agencies
  • reports

(Date range: 1954 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting the management of international security exercises organised by other agencies. Includes:

  • notes on planning
  • copies of minutes
  • liaison details with agencies
  • copies of reports

(Date range: 1954 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring of developments on contentious issues that present a significant threat to international security or relating to international security issues in Australia's regional neighbours.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting monitoring of other overseas developments relating to international security.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Outreach Services

The activities associated with providing outreach services to external organisations and foreign countries to share the agency's knowledge and expertise in order to advance international harmony.

For significant advice provided to external organisations in relation to international security, use INTERNATIONAL SECURITY - Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and provision of outreach services. Includes:

  • agendas
  • research and reference material
  • drafts
  • exercises, handouts and discussion topics
  • reports.

(Date range: 1999 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of plans relating to the international security function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after plan is issued


Working papers used to develop plans. Includes draft plans and comments.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Reports relating to the international security function that provide significant background information or contextual information that impact on policy, document breaches of international security treaties or protocols or document international security incidents that threaten peace.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other formal internal, external and periodic and non-periodic reports relating to the international security function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Visit Programs

The activities associated with arranging, supporting and undertaking visits to or from Australia by individuals, delegations, cultural or sporting groups, or representatives, to inform, educate or promote the image and interests of Australia and other countries.

For visits concerned with promoting the profile, services, operation or role of the agency, use COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Visits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the arrangements for significant visits of foreign dignitaries to Australia, such as visits by the leader of a country. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1939 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the arrangements for other visits of foreign dignitaries to Australia. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1939 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The function of regulating and monitoring peaceful use of nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological materials and facilities. Includes implementation of obligations under various legislation, treaties, arrangements and agreements; granting permits to use, import and export materials, information and facilities; and inspections.

For consultations on disarmament treaties and policy advice on chemical and nuclear weapons disarmament, use INTERNATIONAL SECURITY.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

For advising the government regarding nuclear weapons, use INTERNATIONAL SECURITY - Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Advice - Continued

The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

For advising the government regarding nuclear weapons, use INTERNATIONAL SECURITY - Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting agency liaison processes relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of international treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party. Includes administrative arrangements, negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of agreements.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other agreements.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after expiry or termination of agreement

Appeals (decisions)

The activities involved in the process of appeals against decisions by application to a higher authority.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting appeals against a decision regarding non-proliferation and safeguards activities. Includes appeals to tribunals and courts.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 7 years after appeal process is finalised or terminated


The activities associated with officially checking financial, quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the organisation in a specified period. Includes compliance audits, financial audits, operational audits, recordkeeping audits, skills audits, system audits and quality assurance audits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final internal and external audit reports relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the planning and conduct of internal and external audits relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • routine correspondence with auditing body
  • minutes of meetings
  • notes taken at opening and exit interviews
  • draft report
  • comments

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The process of delegating power to authorise an action and the seeking and granting permission to undertake a requested action.

For notifying the organisation about specified activities conducted at nuclear and chemical facilities, use NON-PROLIFERATION AND SAFEGUARDS - Notification.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the application, granting and renewal of permits to operate Australia's nuclear facilities (e.g. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation).

(Date range: 1987 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the granting, transfer, renewal or revocation of permits to produce, process, consume scheduled chemicals, import or export scheduled chemicals or handle nuclear material. Excludes copies of supporting documents such as local council development approvals.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after expiry or other termination of permit

Authorisation - Continued

The process of delegating power to authorise an action and the seeking and granting permission to undertake a requested action.

For notifying the organisation about specified activities conducted at nuclear and chemical facilities, use NON-PROLIFERATION AND SAFEGUARDS - Notification.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting unsuccessful applications for permits to produce, process, consume scheduled chemicals, import or export scheduled chemicals or handle nuclear material. Excludes copies of supporting documents such as local council development approvals.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 2 years after application for permit is refused


Copies of supporting documentation sighted, but not required to be retained, for the application process, such as local council development approvals.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of inter-government or inter-agency committees relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function where the agency provides the Secretariat or is the Australian representative. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • appointments to committee
  • final versions of minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives

Committees - Continued

The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of other external inter-government or inter-agency committees where the agency does not provide the Secretariat or is not the Australian representative. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion papers

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records of internal agency committees formed to consider matters relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion papers

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of all committees relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • agenda
  • notices of meetings
  • draft minutes

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Proceedings of international conferences or conventions supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function where the conference is hosted by the agency or where the agency is the Australian representative.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives


Proceedings of other conferences or conventions supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting administrative arrangements for conferences and conventions hosted by the agency and supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • venue details and arrangements
  • catering details
  • attendance and registration details
  • promotional material
  • conference material
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • reports on conduct of conferences

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities associated with conducting regular exchange of views. Includes dialogues, discussions, talks and consultations on various issues.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting consultations with representatives from foreign governments that impacts on Australia's policy regarding non-proliferation and safeguards.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other consultations supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes: minutes of meetings with main stakeholders, performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract


The activities associated with handling requests for information about the organisation and its services by the general public, agency employees or another organisation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the handling of enquiries regarding the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, items of equipment, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of the given situation. Includes systems analysis and ongoing monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting surveys and other assessments of products, programs, processes, systems or services relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • evaluation criteria
  • draft and final version of survey/evaluation forms
  • returned survey forms
  • results of survey
  • recommendations

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The activities associated with carrying out or putting into action, plans, policies, procedures or instructions, all of which could be internally or externally driven. Includes manual or automated databases, applications or systems, but excludes installation of equipment. Also includes monitoring to ensure the implementation goes according to schedule and that standards are met and includes first aid treatment.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the implementation of plans, recommendations, policies, strategies, procedures and instructions to support the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The process of official examinations of facilities, equipment and items, to ensure compliance with agreed standards and objectives.

For evidence gathered to support breaches of legislation in regards to chemical and nuclear material and resulting in court action, use NON-PROLIFERATION AND SAFEGUARDS - Offences.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records relating to inspections of Australian nuclear reactor facilities, such as Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, by the agency or by international inspection agencies such as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Includes:

  • inspection plans
  • notifications
  • notes on observations
  • records of interviews
  • results of medical examinations
  • scientific and laboratory analyses
  • situation reports
  • progress reports
  • preliminary reports
  • final reports

(Date range: 1987 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting inspections conducted overseas where the agency is an Australian representative in the inspection team. Includes copies of final inspection reports and Australian participants' reports.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Inspections - Continued

The process of official examinations of facilities, equipment and items, to ensure compliance with agreed standards and objectives.

For evidence gathered to support breaches of legislation in regards to chemical and nuclear material and resulting in court action, use NON-PROLIFERATION AND SAFEGUARDS - Offences.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records relating to inspections of other Australian permit holders by the agency or by international inspection agencies such as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Includes:

  • inspection plans
  • notifications
  • notes on observations
  • records of interviews
  • results of medical examinations
  • scientific and laboratory analyses
  • situation reports
  • progress reports
  • preliminary reports
  • final reports

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 5 years after facility ceases operation

Joint ventures

The activities involved in managing joint operations between departments, either within the organisation or with other organisations, or with the government, where there is a contract, joint contribution of funds and/or time. Also includes private sector ventures with public sector organisations, and co-research or collaboration between inter-departmental units, departments or organisations.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Signed joint venture contracts and agreements and supporting records.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract


Records documenting the management of joint ventures undertaken to support the Non-Proliferation and Safeguards function. Includes records relating to the establishment, maintenance and review of joint venture agreements and contracts.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of agreement or contract

Material Accounting

The activities associated with accounting for scheduled chemicals and nuclear materials.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Reconciliation reports regarding holdings of scheduled chemicals and nuclear materials.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 20 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the processing and transport of scheduled chemicals and nuclear material. Includes:

  • shipping and transfer records
  • customs data
  • import and export-licensing records
  • calculations of process losses, nuclear consumption

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The activities associated with adhoc gatherings held to formulate, discuss, update or resolve issues and matters pertaining to managing the section, department, or organisation as a whole. Includes arrangements, agenda, taking of minutes etc. Excludes committee meetings.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of minutes and supporting documents tabled at meetings to support the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of meetings held to support the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • venue details and arrangements
  • notification of meeting
  • agenda
  • draft minutes
  • written apologies

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Copies of records related to monitoring for evidence of nuclear test activities.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after test activities action completed


The activities associated with the notification and recording of a reportable event. Includes facilities notifying agency of specified activities and notifications of nuclear material transfers.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records notifying the agency of the transport and transfer of nuclear materials.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records notifying the agency of the security breach or incident at nuclear or chemical facility, or incidents of alleged nuclear or chemical material mismanagement.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with identifying and taking action against suspected breaches of legislation.

For inspections conducted to gather evidence on suspected breaches, use NON-PROLIFERATION AND SAFEGUARDS - Inspections.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting enforcement of compliance with legislation and regulations. Includes:

  • offence notifications
  • recommendations for enforcement
  • warrants
  • briefs
  • correspondence with police

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Outreach Services

The activities associated with providing outreach services to external organisations and foreign countries to share the agency's knowledge and expertise in order to advance international harmony.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and provision of outreach services. Includes:

  • research and reference material
  • routine correspondence with speakers and participants
  • training course outlines and materials
  • exercises, handouts, discussion topics
  • feedbacks and reports on programs and training courses

(Date range: 1996 - )

Destroy 10 years after provision of course or program


The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of plans supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes yearly inspection plans and outreach training plans.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after plan is superseded


Working papers used to develop plans supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes draft plans and comments.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 1 year after production of procedures

Register Maintenance

The activities associated with maintaining registers in accordance with legislation or procedures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Register of Permits and Notifications. The register documents the issue, renewal, transfer or revocation of permits to operate scheduled chemical facilities.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Retain as national archives


Register of Permit and Authority Holders. The register documents the issue, renewal, transfer or revocation of permits or authorities to handle nuclear material or to communicate information regarding associated technology.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Retain as national archives


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

For the design and printing of annual reports, use PUBLICATION.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Reports made to international agencies such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), concerning the disposition of nuclear materials in Australia. Includes:

  • Inventory Change Report (ICR)
  • Material Balance Report (MBR)
  • Physical Inventory Listing (PIL)

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 15 years after action completed


Reports concerning transfers of nuclear items, prepared by the agency and forwarded to international agencies, such as the Atomic Energy Agency of the European Union (Euratom).

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Periodic and special reports received from nuclear and scheduled chemical facility operators.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 7 years after facility ceases operation


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities involved in investigating or enquiring into a subject or area of interest in order to discover facts, principles etc Used to support development of projects, standards, guidelines etc and the business activities of the organisation in general. Includes following up enquiries relating to organisational programs, projects, working papers, literature searches etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the research results of scientific and technical investigations to support the non-proliferation and safeguards function where the results have major implications, are exceptionally significant or are highly controversial.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the research results of scientific and technical investigations to support the non-proliferation and safeguards function where the results do not have major implications, are not exceptionally significant and are not highly controversial.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 10 years after results are superseded or are obsolete


The activities involved in re-evaluating or re-examining products, processes, procedures, standards and systems. Includes recommendations and advice resulting from these activities.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting reviews relating to the security of Australian nuclear facilities, such as Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. Includes working papers.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of reviews of programs and operations supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Working papers relating to review of programs and operations supporting the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • request for review
  • reference material
  • interview and survey documentation
  • draft review document
  • comments

(Date range: 1974 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Reviews (decisions)

The activities involved in the process of reviewing actions both by an agency, or an external body. Includes reviews of promotion decisions.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting reviews of decisions relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function.

(Date range: 1987 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the non-proliferation and safeguards function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT)
  • draft contracts
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender


The function of issuing Australian travel identification documents in accordance with international standards. Includes provision of passports, documents of identity and convention travel documents and investigating suspected travel document fraud.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the passport services function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of agreements between the agency and other agencies for the provision of services or information relating to the passport services function. Includes service level agreements.

(Date range: 1942 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of agreements relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1942 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement

Appeals (decisions)

The activities involved in the process of appeals against decisions by application to a higher authority.

For legal advice received on the conduct of the appeal, use LEGAL SERVICES - Advice.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting appeals on behalf of minors, on decisions relating to the passport services function. Includes appeals to tribunals.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after minor reaches 18 years of age


Records documenting other appeals on decisions relating to the passport services function, including appeals to tribunals.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The activities associated with officially checking financial, quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the organisation in a specified period. Includes compliance audits, financial audits, operational audits, recordkeeping audits, skills audits, system audits and quality assurance audits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final internal and external audit reports relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1926 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the planning and conduct of internal and external audits relating to the passport services function. Includes:

  • correspondence with the auditing body
  • minutes of meetings
  • notes taken at opening and exit interviews
  • draft report
  • comments

(Date range: 1926 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The process of delegating power to authorise an action and the seeking and granting permission to undertake a requested action.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Delegations of power to agency staff to authorise passport services activities.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after delegation expires


The activities associated with complying with mandatory or optional accountability, fiscal, legal, regulatory or quality standards or requirements to which the organisation is subject. Includes compliance with legislation and with national and international standards, such as the ISO 9000 series.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting compliance with mandatory or optional standards or with statutory requirements relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1920 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Proceedings of international conferences supporting the passport services function where the conference is hosted by the agency or where the agency is the Australian representative, such as Five Nations Conference.

(Date range: 1918 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Proceedings of other conferences or conventions supporting the passport services function.

(Date range: 1918 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


Records documenting arrangements for conferences supporting the passport services function. Includes:

  • programs and agendas
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • promotional material
  • attendance and registration details
  • venue details and arrangements
  • catering details

(Date range: 1918 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the passport services function. Includes minutes of meetings with main stakeholders and performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 1983 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract

Customer service

The activities associated with the planning, monitoring and evaluation of services provided to customers by the organisation.

For overall evaluation of work performance, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Performance Management.

For complaints from the public about passport service activities, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Public Reaction.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring and evaluation of customer services provided to clients and relating to the passport services function. Includes client surveys.

(Date range: 1998 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the development of service charters and directives relating to the provision of passport services to clients.

(Date range: 1998 - )

Destroy 3 years after superseded


The activities associated with handling requests for information about the organisation and its services by the general public, agency employees or another organisation.

For complaints from the public about passport service activities, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Public Reaction.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the handling of enquiries relating to the passport services function. Includes enquiries from the public or posts.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, items of equipment, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of the given situation. Includes systems analysis and ongoing monitoring.

For client surveys, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Customer service.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting surveys and other assessments of products, programs, processes, systems or services relating to the passport services function. Includes:

  • evaluation criteria
  • draft and final version of survey/evaluation forms
  • returned survey forms
  • results of survey
  • recommendations

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The processes which allow the disclosure of fraud, and strategies for preventing fraud. Includes involvement in fraud prevention projects and education of staff about fraud disclosures.

For agency fraud control plans supporting Government policy, use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning.

For investigations into fraud allegations made against an employee, use PERSONNEL - Discipline.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and dissemination of fraud awareness programs.

(Date range: 1979 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records documenting the disclosure and identification of suspected travel document frauds which cannot be substantiated and no further action is taken.

(Date range: 1979 - )

For suspected travel document frauds where further investigation is undertaken, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Investigations.

Destroy 7 years after action completed

International Standards

The activities associated with developing international standards to enhance the quality, security and/or efficiency of a product or service.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and implementation of international standards for travel documents. Includes:

  • correspondence with International Civil Aviation
  • Organization (ICAO)
  • draft standards
  • comments
  • final standards
  • implementation plans

(Date range: 1920 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Travel documents issued by or for other countries or international organisations, as an example of international standards.

(Date range: 1920 - )

Destroy when superseded


The activities associated with undertaking investigations into suspected cases of fraud.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting investigations into travel document fraud which establish precedent, results in major changes to policy or procedures, or creates considerable public interest. Includes the referral of the case to police for further action.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other investigations into suspected travel document frauds which are referred to the police for further action.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of plans supporting the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after plan is superseded


Working papers used to develop plans supporting the passport services function. Includes:

  • reports analysing issues
  • draft plans
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The activities associated with developing and establishing decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making, as the basis from which the organisation's operating procedures are determined.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final policy documents and major drafts documenting the development and establishment of policies relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of policies supporting the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after policy is promulgated


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 3 years after procedures are superseded


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after production of procedures

Public reaction

The process of handling public reaction to an organisation's policies or services. Includes anonymous letters, letters of complaint and letters of congratulations or appreciation received from the public.

For complaints that result in fraud investigations, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Investigations.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting complaints or comments regarding the passport services function where further action or investigation is taken.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


Records documenting complaints or comments regarding the passport services function where no action is taken, except an acknowledgment of receipt.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Consolidated statistical information maintained on passport information and control system.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain permanently in agency.


Yearly reports concerning the Client Service Charter.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Copies of statistical reports produced by passport information and control system.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy when reference ceases.


The activities involved in re-evaluating or re-examining products, processes, procedures, standards and systems. Includes recommendations and advice resulting from these activities.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of reviews relating to passport services function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers relating to review of programs and operations supporting passport services function. Includes:

  • review request
  • reference material
  • interview and survey documentation
  • draft review document
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Reviews (decisions)

The activities involved in the process of reviewing actions both by an agency, or an external body. Includes reviews of promotion decisions.

For appeals against travel document decisions, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Appeals (decisions).

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting reviews on behalf of minors, of decisions relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after minor reaches 18 years of age


Records documenting other reviews of decisions relating to the passport services function.

(Date range: 1984 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The activities associated with measures taken to protect people, premises, equipment or information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access. Includes the security classification of personnel and criminal record checks.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting security breaches where travel documents have been reported missing prior to processing or issue. Includes referral to law enforcement authorities.

(Date range: 1920 - )

Destroy 11 years after breach reported


Records documenting security breaches during the travel document processing or handling, for example an unauthorised officer processes a travel document.

(Date range: 1920 - )

Destroy 5 years after breach reported


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the passport services function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT)
  • draft contracts
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 1983 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 1983 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 1983 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender

Travel Document Cancellation

The activities associated with the cancellation or suspension of travel documents.

For records regarding the destruction of travel documents, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Travel Document Destruction.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the cancellation or suspension of current travel documents to prevent a person leaving the country. Includes:

  • correspondence regarding cancellation or suspension
  • cancelled travel documents
  • data held on passport issue and control system

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 85 years after date of birth of person or after refusal to issue travel document is lifted


Records documenting other cancellations of adult travel documents. Includes travel documents:

  • reported lost or stolen
  • suspected of being forged
  • incorrectly issued

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 11 years after action completed


Records documenting the cancellation of blank travel documents which have been lost before issue.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 11 years after action completed


Records documenting cancellations of child travel documents. Includes travel documents reported lost or stolen, suspected of being forged or incorrectly issued

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 6 years after action completed

Travel Document Design

The activities associated with designing and developing travel documents. Includes examining and appraising new travel document designs and fraud prevention techniques.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the design and development of travel documents. Includes:

  • research material
  • draft design
  • market test results
  • comments
  • final design

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives

Travel Document Destruction

The activities associated with the identification and destruction of travel documents that do not meet the agency's quality control checks.

For cancellation of lost or stolen travel documents, use PASSPORT SERVICES - Travel Document Cancellation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Data held on passport issue and control system documenting the destruction of travel documents issued to persons over 18 years of age.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 11 years after action completed


Destruction certificates.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 11 years after action completed


Data held on passport issue and control system documenting the destruction of travel documents issued to minors under 18 years of age.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 6 years after action completed


Travel documents (current and expired) held by the agency and not claimed. Includes lost and stolen travel documents handed into agency.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 60 days after receipt of travel document


Original travel documents spoilt or damaged prior to issue.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy immediately

Travel Document Processing

The activities associated with processing, verifying, producing and issuing travel documents. Includes the management of alerts or stop requests to prevent the issue of travel documents and returning lost travel documents to their legal owner.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Registers of personal details of travel document holders maintained on passport issue and control system.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 100 years after date of birth of travel document holder


Scanned images of approved applications (including amendments) for issue of travel documents for persons over 18 years of age.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 11 years after issue of travel document

Travel Document Processing - Continued

The activities associated with processing, verifying, producing and issuing travel documents. Includes the management of alerts or stop requests to prevent the issue of travel documents and returning lost travel documents to their legal owner.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Scanned images of approved applications (including amendments) for issue of travel documents for minors under 18 years of age.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 6 years after issue of travel document


Hard copies of approved applications (including amendments) for issue of travel documents that have not been scanned.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 11 years after issue of travel document


Hard copies of approved applications (including amendments) for issue of travel documents that have been scanned.

(Date range: 1992 - )

Destroy 60 days after scanning completed


Records documenting unsuccessful applications for travel documents. Data would be added to the passport issue and control system. Includes:

  • passport application form
  • supporting documentation
  • notification of refusal

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Lapsed applications for travel documents where the agency has requested further information and there has been no response.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 6 months after request to supply further information


Person Alert records regarding persons over 18 years of age. Records include associated data maintained on systems such as passport issue and control system. Includes alerts issued for police warrants and bankruptcy, applicants who have been refused travel documents and persons who have lost Australian citizenship status.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after alert is cancelled or withdrawn


Person Alert records regarding minors under 18 years of age. Records include associated data maintained on systems, such as passport issue and control system. Includes alerts issued for possible abductions and applicants who have been refused travel documents.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy when minor turns 18 years of age


The function of managing employees and volunteers working overseas for the organisation and not covered by the Public Service Act. Overseas employees include locally engaged staff, house staff of heads of mission, honorary consuls and spouses and family of consular staff.

For other activities related to personnel employed overseas, use PERSONNEL.

For privileges and immunities granted to honorary consuls, use PROTOCOL.

Employment conditions

The activities associated with managing the general conditions of employment for personnel.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the engagement history of Honorary Consuls. Includes:

  • letter of appointment and conditions of engagement
  • letter of acceptance
  • records detailing personal particulars and supporting documentation
  • declarations of pecuniary interest
  • undertaking to preserve official secrets

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 75 years after date of birth of Honorary Consul or 7 years after last action, whichever is later


Records documenting the consolidated employment history of locally employed staff (LES). Includes:

  • letters of appointment and conditions of engagement
  • employment contract or agreement
  • letters of acceptance
  • details of assigned duties
  • probation reports
  • medical examinations/health declarations
  • records detailing personal particulars and supporting documentation
  • evidence of educational qualifications
  • declarations of pecuniary interest
  • undertaking to preserve official secrets

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 7 years after termination of employment


The function of providing services to the foreign diplomatic and consular community. Includes co-ordinating diplomatic accreditation, facilitating the transition of diplomats and their families into Australia and the consular community, authorisation of concessions, ensuring diplomatic privileges and immunities, processing award nominations and organising diplomatic functions.

For establishment and closure of consular posts in Australia or overseas, use INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – Post Establishment.

For the provision of consular services to Australians residing or travelling overseas, use CONSULAR SERVICES.


The activities associated with granting diplomatic accreditation and arranging the presentation of credentials to the Governor General.

For arrangements concerning the diplomatic agent's arrival in Australia, and appointments to call on government officers, use PROTOCOL - Diplomatic Arrangements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting diplomatic accreditation of foreign Heads of Mission. Includes:

  • copies of Letters of Credence or Introduction
  • requests for agrément
  • arrangements for presentation of credentials
  • request for accreditations
  • correspondence between parties

(Date range: 1936 - )

Retain as national archives


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the protocol function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1921 - )

Retain as national archives

Advice - Continued

The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the protocol function.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting advice provided by the agency regarding the nomination of people for an award or honour

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 30 years after action completed


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance with no far-reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the protocol function.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting liaison activities undertaken with other Australian and foreign agencies and groups. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • requests for information
  • routine correspondence between parties

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy after liaison completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records relating to agreements or undertakings made to support the employment of foreign domestic staff in Australia. Includes:

  • employer's undertaking agreement
  • domestic staff undertaking agreement
  • Note Verbale
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1977 - )

For the authorisation for foreign domestic staff to work at diplomatic missions or consular posts, use PROTOCOL - Authorisation.

Destroy 7 years after notification employee is departing country


Final versions of other agreements supporting the protocol function.

(Date range: 1977 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1977 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities associated with officially checking financial, quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the organisation in a specified period. Includes compliance audits, financial audits, operational audits, recordkeeping audits, skills audits, system audits and quality assurance audits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final internal and external audit reports relating to the protocol function.

(Date range: 1999 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the planning and conduct of internal and external audits relating to the protocol function. Includes:

  • preliminary audit plan
  • correspondence with auditing body
  • minutes of meetings
  • draft report
  • comments

(Date range: 1999 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The process of delegating power to authorise an action and the seeking and granting permission to undertake a requested action.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the authorisation for foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts in Australia to undertake requested actions, such as the installation of wireless transmitters or satellite receiving dishes; the import, purchase or disposal of motor vehicles under privilege. Includes:

  • application form/request
  • supporting documentation
  • approval or rejection notification
  • routine correspondence
  • recommendations or reports

(Date range: 1968 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Authorisation - Continued

The process of delegating power to authorise an action and the seeking and granting permission to undertake a requested action.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the authorisation for individual members of foreign diplomatic missions or consular posts in Australia, to undertake requested actions, such as possession of firearms; the import, purchase or disposal of motor vehicles under privilege. Includes:

  • application form/request
  • supporting documentation
  • approval or rejection notification
  • routine correspondence
  • recommendations or reports

(Date range: 1968 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records documenting the authorisation for foreign domestic staff to work at foreign diplomatic missions or consular posts in Australia.

(Date range: 1968 - )

For agreements or undertakings made to support the employment of foreign domestic staff, use PROTOCOL - Agreements.

Destroy 7 years after notification employee is departing country


Delegations of power to agency staff to authorise administrative action relating to the protocol function.

(Date range: 1968 - )

Destroy 7 years after delegation expires


Records documenting the authorisation for relatives of members of foreign diplomatic mission or consular post in Australia, to engage in employment. Includes:

  • application form/request
  • supporting documentation
  • approval or rejection notification
  • routine correspondence
  • recommendations or reports

(Date range: 1968 - )

Destroy 2 years after departure from country


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of committees relating to the protocol function where the agency is a member. Includes:

  • agenda
  • copies of minutes
  • copies of reports and directives
  • copies of documents tabled at meetings

(Date range: 1952 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Complaint Handling

The activity associated with receiving and responding to complaints. Excludes complaints regarding the organisation's policies or services.

For complaints regarding the agency's policies or services use COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Public Reaction.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the handling of complaints regarded as unusual or controversial that create substantial media interest or establish precedent. Includes abuse of privileges.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the handling of routine complaints that do not attract public or media interest or establish precedents.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Diplomatic Arrangements

The activities associated with arrival and departure arrangements for representatives of foreign governments and their families. Includes arranging appointments with government officials, and vehicle transportation and motorcycle escorts.

For presentation of credentials to the Governor-General, use PROTOCOL - Accreditation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting arrival and departure arrangements for foreign diplomatic and consular representatives, staff and family members. Includes:

  • notification of arrival or departure
  • airport arrangements
  • appointment details
  • schedules
  • transport and escort arrangements
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1923 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Diplomatic Representatives

The activities associated with the notification of appointments to foreign missions or international organisations. Includes maintenance of diplomatic and consular lists.

For the issue of identify cards to representatives and their staff and families, use PROTOCOL - Privileges And Immunities.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of published lists of foreign diplomatic and consular representatives and staff in Australia.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Retain permanently in agency


Administrative records relating to representatives of foreign governments and other diplomatic staff. Includes notices of arrival and departure and passport details.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after representative leaves country

Functions (social)

The process of organising and managing an official or formal social occasion conducted by the organisation to enhance its internal and external relationships, or to promote its services and image.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the organisation and management of an official or formal social occasion supporting the protocol function. Includes:

  • venue details and arrangements
  • guest lists
  • invitations
  • catering details

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with preparing, sending and receiving letters of appreciation or condolences. Includes mailing lists for Christmas cards.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the preparation and dispatch of national day messages, goodwill messages, congratulations, condolences and other greetings to representatives of foreign governments.

(Date range: 1927 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Number Plate Management

The activities associated with managing the allocation and return of diplomatic and consular vehicle number plates.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Register of foreign diplomatic and consular number plate allocations.

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 10 years after last entry in register


Records documenting successful requests for, and allocation of, foreign diplomatic and consular number plates. Includes:

  • request for issue of diplomatic and consular plates
  • results of eligibility assessment
  • notification regarding issue or return of plates
  • correspondence

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 2 years after the person has left the country


Records documenting the unsuccessful request for foreign diplomatic or consular number plates. Includes:

  • request for issue of diplomatic and consular plates
  • results of eligibility assessment
  • notification regarding refusal
  • correspondence

(Date range: 1945 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with developing and establishing decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making, as the basis from which the organisation's operating procedures are determined.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final policy documents and major drafts documenting the development and establishment of policies relating to the protocol function.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of policies supporting the protocol function. Includes:

  • policy proposals
  • research papers
  • results of consultation

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 10 years after policy is promulgated

Privileges and Immunities

The activities associated with ensuring diplomatic missions receive the privileges and immunities according to international conventions.

For authorisation to carry firearms, purchase vehicles, use PROTOCOL - Authorisation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the granting and withdrawal of privileges and immunities to foreign diplomatic and consular posts or their eligible staff. Includes:

  • request for privileges or immunities
  • results of eligibility assessment
  • notification regarding the granting of privileges or immunities
  • routine correspondence
  • identity card issue and cancellation details
  • notification of withdrawal of privileges and immunities

(Date range: 1961 - )

Destroy 20 years after person departs country or immunity is withdrawn


Records documenting unsuccessful requests for diplomatic or consular privileges and immunities. Includes:

  • request for privileges or immunities
  • results of eligibility assessment
  • rejection notification
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1961 - )

Destroy 20 years after action completed


Cancelled diplomatic and consular staff identity cards.

(Date range: 1961 - )

Destroy immediately


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the protocol function. Includes instructions for flags and insignia.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 20 years after procedures are superseded


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the protocol function.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after production of procedures


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of formal reports supporting the protocol function.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Final versions of periodic or general administrative reports used to monitor and document recurring activities to support the protocol function. Includes statistical reports.

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities involved in re-evaluating or re-examining products, processes, procedures, standards and systems. Includes recommendations and advice resulting from these activities.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Working papers relating to reviews of programs and operations supporting the protocol function. Includes:

  • review request
  • reference material
  • interview and survey documentation
  • draft review document
  • comments

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 10 years after review is finalised


Final review reports relating to the protocol function.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The activities associated with measures taken to protect people, premises, equipment or information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access. Includes the security classification of personnel and criminal record checks.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting arrangements made by the agency for the security of foreign diplomatic and consular posts and representatives in Australia. Includes:

  • details of threat assessment
  • notification of new post
  • notification of empty diplomatic property
  • notification of security threat or incident reports
  • security agency details
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1921 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The function of projecting a positive and accurate image of Australia. Includes developing and maintaining links (such as cultural, sporting and academic) between Australia and other countries, financial assistance for projects and programs to promote awareness and understanding between Australia and other countries, identifying and responding to contentious issues concerning Australia, and facilitating visits by international media and cultural representatives.

For the development and production of public affair material and background information for distribution to international media and other target groups, use PUBLICATION.

For the administration of cultural boards, councils, institutes and foundations, use BOARD ADMINISTRATION.

For promoting the organisation's broad public profile, use COMMUNITY RELATION.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Advice - Continued

The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far-reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting agency liaison processes relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of international treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1923 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of significant agreements.

(Date range: 1923- )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other agreements.

(Date range: 1923- )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1923- )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting arrangements for conferences supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • programs
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • promotional material
  • attendance and registration details
  • venue details and arrangements
  • catering details
  • unpublished proceedings, reports, speeches and papers
  • reports on conduct of conferences

(Date range: 1971 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes minutes of meetings with main stakeholders, and performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 1991 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract


The activities associated with handling requests for information about the organisation and its services by the general public, agency employees or another organisation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the handling of enquiries relating to the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after action completed


The process of determining the suitability of potential or existing programs, items of equipment, systems or services in relation to meeting the needs of the given situation. Includes systems analysis and ongoing monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting surveys and other assessments of programs, processes, systems or services relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • evaluation criteria
  • draft and final version of survey/evaluation forms
  • returned survey forms
  • results of survey
  • recommendations

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records documenting the evaluation of the public diplomacy activities performed by Australian overseas posts.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Event Management

The activities associated with the management of events, such as exhibitions or expositions, to promote the image of Australia.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the agency's organisation and management of significant national or international events that promote the image of Australia. Includes participation in International expositions and Olympic and Commonwealth Games

(Date range: 1915 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the agency's organisation and management of other events that promote the image of Australia. Includes exhibitions and cultural festivals

(Date range: 1915 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Financial Assistance

The activities associated with providing financial assistance for projects or programs.

For financial records relating to management of financial assistance use FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Accounting and/or FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Payments.

For monitoring the project or program, use PUBLIC DIPLOMACY - Project Monitoring.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting successful applications for financial assistance supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes applications and approvals.

(Date range: 1976 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records documenting unsuccessful applications for financial assistance supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes application/request and notice of unsuccessful application.

(Date range: 1976 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Issues Management

The activity of monitoring international media and responding to negative or inaccurate media reporting of emerging or contentious issues concerning Australia.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the international monitoring of issues concerning Australia and relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • foreign media reports
  • letters to the editor
  • correspondence with foreign media heads

(Date range: 1940 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of plans supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • yearly plans
  • business plans
  • strategic plans

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after plan is finalised


Working papers used to develop plans supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • reports analysing issues
  • draft plans
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The activities associated with developing and establishing decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making, as the basis from which the organisation's operating procedures are determined.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final policy documents and major drafts documenting the development and establishment of policies supporting the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of policies supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • policy proposals
  • research papers
  • results of consultations
  • supporting reports

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after policy is superseded


Standard methods of operating laid down by an organisation according to formulated policy.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Master set of manuals, handbooks, directives and guidelines detailing procedures supporting the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 1 year after procedures superseded


Records documenting the development of procedures supporting the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy when reference ceases

Project Monitoring

The activities associated with monitoring an external project or program funded by the organisation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Record documenting the monitoring of projects funded by the agency. Includes:

  • progress reports
  • acquittal reports
  • photographs

(Date range: 1976 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of formal internal, external and periodic and non-periodic reports relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes statistical reports.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities involved in investigating or enquiring into a subject or area of interest in order to discover facts, principles etc Used to support development of projects, standards, guidelines etc and the business activities of the organisation in general. Includes following up enquiries relating to organisational programs, projects, working papers, literature searches etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final reports of research carried out to support the public diplomacy function, which provide significant understanding or insights into the way Australian culture is perceived internationally.

(Date range: 1992 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other research carried out to support the public diplomacy function.

(Date range: 1992 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Working papers documenting research projects supporting the public diplomacy function. Includes surveys, questionnaires and reference material.

(Date range: 1992 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT); draft contracts;
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 1991 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 1991 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 1991 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender

Visit Programs

The activities associated with arranging, supporting and undertaking visits to or from Australia by individuals, delegations, cultural or sporting groups, or representatives, to inform, educate or promote the image and interests of Australia and other countries.

For visits concerned with promoting the profile, services, operation or role of the agency, use COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Visits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting visits to Australia related to the public diplomacy function. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1951 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The function of participating in international trade negotiations and overseeing the implementation of trade rules/agreements according to the international trading system. Includes participation in trade negotiation committees and conferences, and in the consultation, dispute and accession processes. Also includes providing trade negotiation policy advice and outreach services and monitoring trade negotiation activities of Australia's trading partners.

For advancing Australia's trade and investment interests, use TRADE POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT.


The activities associated with Australia's participation in the processes associated with new countries becoming members of international trade organisations, such as World Trade Organisation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the accession process involving countries becoming members of World Trade Organisation. Includes:

  • details of domestic regimes
  • inflation and economic figures
  • legislation
  • questions and responses
  • minutes of meetings
  • negotiation details

(Date range: 1995 - )

Retain as national archives


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the trade negotiations function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the trade negotiations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives

Advice - Continued

The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far-reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the trade negotiations function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting agency liaison processes relating to the trade negotiations function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of international treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of significant agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of international or national committees established to deal with international trade negotiation matters, where the agency provides the Secretariat, is the Australian representative, or plays a significant role, including OECD Trade Committee, World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture, Committee on Regional Trade Agreements. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • appointments to committee
  • agendas
  • minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1948 - )

Retain as national archives

Committees - Continued

The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Working papers of international or national committees, where the agency provides the Secretariat, is the Australian representative, or plays a significant role.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Records of other international or national committees where the agency is not the Secretariat, is not the Australian representative, or plays only a minor role. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Working papers documenting administrative arrangements made for the conduct of other international or national committees.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Proceedings of high-level international conferences or conventions supporting the trade negotiations function where the conference is hosted by the agency or where the agency is the Australian representative, including World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conferences. Includes:

  • papers
  • minutes
  • records of consultations
  • statements

(Date range: 1948 - )

Retain as national archives


Proceedings of other conferences or conventions supporting the trade negotiations function.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting administrative arrangements for conferences and conventions hosted by the agency and supporting the trade negotiations function. Includes:

  • venue details and plans
  • catering details
  • attendance and registration details
  • promotional material
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • reports on conduct of conferences
  • daily briefings
  • daily reports

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities associated with conducting regular exchange of views. Includes dialogues, discussions, talks and consultations on various issues.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting consultations supporting the trade negotiations function. Includes local level and international consultations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the trade negotiations function. Includes: minutes of meetings with main stakeholders; performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 2001 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract


The process of handling any disagreement pertaining to awards, agreements, demarcation issues, breaches of injunctions, secret ballots, etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting Australia's participation in the international trade dispute settlement process. Includes both defending and prosecuting cases to protect Australia's trading rights, consultations and proceedings before panels and appeals, and resolutions.

(Date range: 1995 - )

Retain as national archives


The activities associated with carrying out or putting into action, plans, policies, procedures or instructions, all of which could be internally or externally driven. Includes manual or automated databases, applications or systems, but excludes installation of equipment. Also includes monitoring to ensure the implementation goes according to schedule and that standards are met and includes first aid treatment.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the implementation of plans, recommendations, policies, procedures and instructions to support the trade negotiations function.

(Date range: 1948 - )

Destroy 15 years after action completed


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring of trade negotiation activities of Australia's trading partners.

(Date range: 1931 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Outreach Services

The activities associated with providing outreach services to external organisations and foreign countries to share the agency's knowledge and expertise in order to advance international harmony.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development and provision of outreach services. Includes:

  • research and reference material
  • speakers' details and briefs
  • exercises, handouts, discussion topics
  • reports on programs

(Date range: 1998 - )

Destroy 3 years after provision of course or program


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of reports prepared on trade negotiation issues and distributed for information and debate.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Periodic reports made to World Trade Organisation in relation to the status of Australia's trade negotiation rules and policies.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the trade negotiations function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT)
  • draft contracts
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 2001 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 2001 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 2001 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender


The function of advancing Australian trade and investment interests through commercial diplomacy, forums, the provision of information and assistance to Australian companies, and initiatives to support and strengthen the multilateral trading system. Includes policy advice to the government and the Australian business community.

For overseeing Australia's involvement in trade negotiations, use TRADE NEGOTIATIONS.

For the publication and distribution of information to inform the business community on trade issues, use PUBLICATION.


The activities associated with offering opinions by or to the organisation as to an action or judgement. Includes the process of advising.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • Ministerial statements
  • Government responses to Inquiry recommendations
  • policy papers (White and Green papers)
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on controversial issues with far-reaching social, economic and international implications relating to the trade policy and development function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country. Includes advice provided in the form of:

  • briefing notes (includes background briefs and Question Time Briefs)
  • minutes providing advice to the Minister
  • minutes providing coordination comments
  • advice to other agencies

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 20 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development of advice provided by the agency to the portfolio Minister and government agencies on matters of lesser importance, with no far-reaching impact on the social, economic and international standing of the country.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 20 years after action completed


Records documenting the receipt and provision of non-ministerial advice regarding the trade policy and development function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed

Agency Liaison

The activities associated with maintaining regular general contact between the organisation and other Australian and foreign organisations, governments, interest groups and agencies. Includes sharing informal information and discussions and collaborating on projects that are not joint ventures.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting agency liaison with international agencies, groups and organisations and relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


Records documenting agency liaison with local agencies, groups and organisations and relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • contact lists
  • meeting notes
  • exchanged information
  • routine correspondence

(Date range: - 1901 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The processes associated with the establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of international treaties, conventions, alliances and agreements to which Australia is a party.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of international agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other agreements relating to the trade policy and development function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


Records documenting the negotiations, establishment, maintenance and review of other agreements.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after expiry or termination of agreement


The activities associated with the managing of committees and task forces. Includes the committee's establishment, appointment of members, terms of reference, proceedings, minutes of meetings, reports, agenda etc

For audit committees use STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records of external inter-government or inter-agency committees established to deal with high level issues such as international trade policy or multilateral trading systems, where the agency is Secretariat or is the Australian representative, including Joint Trade Committees, Trade Policy Advisory Council. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • appointments to committee
  • final versions of minutes
  • documents tabled at meetings
  • reports and directives

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records of internal agency committees formed to consider matters relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Records of other external committees where the agency is not Secretariat and is not the Australian representative, including United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Includes:

  • documents establishing the committee
  • minutes
  • reports
  • recommendations
  • supporting documents such as briefing and discussion
  • papers

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the conduct and administration of all committees relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • agenda
  • notices of meetings
  • draft minutes

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy when reference ceases


The activities involved in arranging or attending conferences held either by the organisation or by other organisations. Includes registrations, publicity and reports of participants etc.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting attendance of agency personnel, as representatives of the agency at conferences arranged by other organisations and relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes confirmation of registration, conference details, copies of proceedings and participants' reports.

(Date range: 1947 - )

Destroy 3 years after action completed


The activities associated with conducting regular exchange of views. Includes dialogues, discussions, talks and consultations on various issues.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting formal consultations between State and Federal ministers for trade and investment. Includes national trade consultations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other consultations supporting the trade policy and development function. Includes domestic and international consultations.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Contracting out

The activities involved in managing the performance of work or the provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. Includes outsourcing.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting contract management relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes: minutes of meetings with main stakeholders; performance and evaluation reports.

(Date range: 1995 - )

Destroy 7 years after completion or other termination of contract

International Representations

The activities associated with advocacy and representations made to foreign governments on behalf of Australian individuals, groups, industry, business or government.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting representations to foreign government on behalf of government agencies, leading community interest groups, peak industry bodies, recognised influential stakeholders and individuals concerning issues of major significance to Australia's trade relationship with other countries, that establish precedent or create significant public debate.

(Date range: 1995 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other representations to foreign government on behalf of government agencies, leading community interest groups, peak industry bodies, recognised influential stakeholders and individuals concerning issues of a routine nature which are of no major significance to the agency or the public at large.

(Date range: 1913 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed

Market Access

The activities associated with improving access to trading opportunities. Includes identifying restrictions to access and strategies for improving access and liberalisation.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the identification of barriers to international markets and the development of strategies to gain access to those markets. Includes comments made to other agencies on programs that could hinder market access.

(Date range: 1925 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed

Market Development

The activities associated with creating new trading opportunities for Australia.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the determination of market development goals and the development of strategies to promote Australian trade.

(Date range: 1925 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The activities associated with watching, recording and informing in relation to developments or deviations from the normal. Also includes monitoring of consular situations such as civil unrest and natural disasters.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the monitoring of trade development issues and activities

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 5 years after action completed


The process of formulating ways in which objectives can be achieved. Includes determination of services, needs and solutions to those needs.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting short-term plans relating to the trade policy and development function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The processes associated with initiating or providing a formal response to a situation or request (either internal, external or as a requirement of corporate policies), and to provide formal statements or findings of the results of the examination or investigation. Includes agenda, briefing, business, discussion papers, proposals, reports, reviews and returns.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Final versions of unpublished formal reports initiated by Parliament, Minister, or statutory body which relates to policy, strategy, or framework of trade policy and development.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Retain as national archives


Final versions of other formal internal and external reports relating to the trade policy and development function.

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 7 years after action completed


Working papers documenting the development and drafting of reports. Includes:

  • statistical returns
  • analysis of information
  • drafts of reports
  • comments

(Date range: 1901 - )

Destroy 2 years after action completed


The activities involved in receiving and assessing tenders, of making offers and finalising contract arrangements for the supply, sale or purchase of goods and services.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting the development, issue, and evaluation of tenders which lead to signed simple contracts relating to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • statements of requirements
  • requests for proposals
  • expressions of interest
  • requests for tender (RFT)
  • draft contracts
  • evaluation documentation
  • public notices
  • post offer negotiations
  • due diligence checks
  • signed contracts

(Date range: 1995 - )

Destroy 7 years after tender process completed


Tender and or contract register.

(Date range: 1995 - )

Destroy 7 years after last entry


Records of unsuccessful tenders or a tender process where there is not a suitable bidder, or where the tender process has been discontinued. Includes submissions, notifications of outcome, and reports on debriefing sessions.

(Date range: 1995 - )

Destroy 2 years after the tender process is completed or decision made not to continue with the tender

Visit Programs

The activities associated with arranging, supporting and undertaking visits to or from Australia by individuals, delegations, cultural or sporting groups, or representatives, to inform, educate or promote the image and interests of Australia and other countries.

For visits concerned with promoting the profile, services, operation or role of the agency, use COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Visits.

Entry Description of Records Disposal Action


Records documenting significant visits by foreign dignitaries to Australia and significant visits by Australian dignitaries to foreign countries in relation to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1905 - )

Retain as national archives


Records documenting other visits by foreign dignitaries to Australia in relation to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • appointment details
  • routine correspondence
  • letters of appreciation

(Date range: 1905 - )

Destroy 6 years after action completed


Records documenting other visits by Australian dignitaries to foreign countries in relation to the trade policy and development function. Includes:

  • itineraries
  • programs
  • copies of briefings
  • visit reports

(Date range: 1905 - )

Destroy 10 years after action completed

Last Updated: 28 February 2013
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