This document is a project proposal for the soil salinity management in Iraq project. (2010, 59pp)
This document is a project proposal for the soil salinity management in Iraq project.
To address the salinity issues in Iraq, ACIAR (in consultation with AusAID) developed a partnership between Australian researchers from CSIRO and the University of Western
Australia (UWA), the State Board for Agricultural Research in Iraq's Ministry of Agriculture,
Iraq's Ministry of Water Resources, the International Centre for Agricultural Research in
Dry Areas (ICARDA), the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).
This proposal includes the following information:
- Project information
- Justification
- Objectives
- Planned impacts and adoption pathways
- Operations
- Appendix A: Intellectual property register
- Appendix B: Budget
- Appendix C: Supporting documentation.
Soil Salinity Management in Iraq project proposal [PDF 873kb]