Outlines the commitments made by GPE partners at the 2011 Pledging Conference in Copenhagen.
On 8 November, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark, representatives from 52 countries came together to inaugurate a replenishment campaign to commit substantial resources between 2011 and 2014 to achieve quality education for all children, coupled with policy pledges to ensure the best use of those funds.
The partner commitments made at this first ever Global Partnership for Education (Global Partnership) Pledging Conference in Copenhagen carry the potential for a dramatic reshaping of roles within the Global Partnership, away from the donor/non-donor divisions of the past toward a new collaboration based on what each can contribute to achieving the Global Partnership goals.
Sixty pledges were presented in Denmark from governments, civil society organisations, the teaching profession, the private sector, private foundations and multilateral agencies, which represent a mutual compact to intensify efforts to get every child in school and learning.
To achieve a major transformation in global education, the Pledging Conference showcased commitments of new resources, better aid effectiveness, more education programming for vulnerable children and stronger education sector development efforts which will translate into real results over the next three years.
Summary of Commitments to the Global Partnership for Education (PDF 1.14mb)