Summary of publication
This report starts with an overview of the national context and the current state of corruption in Cambodia. The introduction is followed by a detailed and resultoriented description of the progress made by TI Cambodia, with the key achievements and impacts identified for each of TI Cambodia's strategic goals. The progress updates against TI Cambodia's Results Framework are also provided.
The report then carries out a gender-focused assessment of TI Cambodia's operations and projects. The following two parts are dedicated to lessons learned during the implementation of TI Cambodia's projects and to a project risk assessment, with subsequent mitigation strategies.
TI Cambodia's financial expenditures for the period from April 2012 to December 2015 are also presented with a comparison between the initially allocated budget and the actual programme expenditures.
The report concludes with a general summary of TI Cambodia's key results and achievements and lays out TI Cambodia's next activities and future challenges.