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Tropical Cyclone Pam Recovery Program Evaluation

Summary of publication

This document reports findings from an independent evaluation of the Tropical Cyclone (TC) Pam Recovery Program.

TC Pam struck southern parts of the Republic of Vanuatu on 13 March 2015 and is considered the most significant disaster to affect Vanuatu.

Following initial humanitarian relief and early recovery funding of AUD15 million, Australia's Foreign Minister announced a further AUD35 million in support of the Government of Vanuatu's (GoV) National Recovery Plan.

This evaluation assesses the merits of this latter Australian Government support, capturing lessons to inform future recovery planning in Vanuatu and the Pacific more broadly.

An evaluation plan identified nine evaluation questions aligned under four domains of inquiry, which in turn provide the structure for this report:

  1. Alignment with strategy
  2. Use of Vanuatu Government systems
  3. Contribution to recovery
  4. Good practice considerations.

Full publication

Last Updated: 11 December 2018
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