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Vanuatu Women's Centre: Phase 7 progress report 1 (July to November 2016)

Summary of publication

This report provides a summary of program progress for the first 5 months of this phase from July 2016 to November 2016, and revised plans for the remainder of year 1. It also updates data for phase 6 that was included in the Activity Completion Report.

The following is a summary of progress towards outcomes and targets:

  • The VWC provided 2,497 counselling sessions including 671 new clients and 1,826 report counselling sessions, not including CAVAW counselling.
  • Of 2497 counselling sessions, 2413 were with women over 18 years, 81 with girls and 3 with boys under 18.
  • 195 were assisted the client support fund including 13 with safe house services.
  • 251 clients were assisted to report either domestic violence or sexual assault to the police, including 237 women, 13 girls and 1 boy. Most of these (96%) were for domestic violence cases. New clients made up 68% of these cases: the remaining of 32% were repeat clients.
  • 318 clients were assisted to get Family Protection Orders(FPOs).

Full publication

Last Updated: 10 August 2017
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