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Annual Report 1999-2000



Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act 1987

The Nuclear
Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act 1987
(the Safeguards Act)
took effect on 31 March 1987. This
Act establishes the statutory office of Director of Safeguards and forms the
legislative basis for ASNOs nuclear safeguards activities.

The Safeguards Act gives effect to
safeguards obligations under:

  • the NPT;
  • Australias NPT safeguards agreement with the IAEA;
  • agreements between Australia and various countries (and Euratom)
    concerning transfers of nuclear items, and cooperation in peaceful uses of
    nuclear energy; and
  • the Convention on the Physical
    Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM).

Control over nuclear material and
associated items in Australia is exercised under the Safeguards Act by a system
of permits for their possession and transport.
Communication of information contained in sensitive nuclear technology
is controlled through the grant of authorities.

The Safeguards Act empowers the Minister to grant, vary or revoke permits or authorities, to make
declarations or orders in relation to material, equipment or technology covered
by the Act, and to appoint inspectors to assess compliance with the Act and
with Australias NPT safeguards agreement with the IAEA. The Minister has delegated
most of these powers (with certain exceptions such as powers to make
declarations and orders) to the Director of Safeguards.

Regulations and declarations under this Act
are listed under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982
statements on
page 92 of this Report.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) (Consequential
Amendments) Act 1988

The Nuclear
Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) (Consequential Amendments) Act 1988
took effect
on 24 May 1988. It amended the Patents Act 1952 to allow referral from
the Patent Office to the Director of Safeguards of patent applications which
might constitute associated technology under the Safeguards Act. The amendments give the Director of
Safeguards the power to direct that such a patent application lapse if the
applicant does not hold an appropriate authority under the Safeguards Act to
communicate sensitive information at the time of making the application for the

Nuclear Safeguards (Producers of Uranium Ore Concentrates)
Charge Act 1993

In conjunction with an amendment to the
Safeguards Act, this legislation imposes an annual charge on uranium producers
corresponding to a proportion of ASNOs operating costs. Further details are on
page 23.

South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty Act 1986

The South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty (SPNFZ) Act 1986 prohibits the manufacture, production, acquisition,
stationing and testing of nuclear explosive devices, and R&D relating to
manufacture or production of nuclear explosive devices.

The SPNFZ Act establishes the framework for
inspections in Australia by Treaty inspectors, and provides for appointment by
the Minister for Foreign Affairs of authorised officers to accompany and observe
international inspectors while they are in Australia. Inspectors appointed for the purposes of the Safeguards Act are
also inspectors under the SPNFZ Act.
These inspectors are to assist Treaty inspectors and authorised officers
in carrying out Treaty inspections, and investigating possible breaches of the
SPNFZ legislation in Australia.

Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994

The Chemical
Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994
was enacted on 25
February 1994. Division 1 of Part 7 of
the Act (establishing the CWCO and the position of its Director), and sections 95, 96, 97, 99,
102, 103, and 104 were proclaimed on 15 February 1995. Other provisions of the Act which expressly
relied on the CWC came into effect on 29 April 1997 when the CWC entered into
force. The final parts of the Act,
dealing with aspects of the CWC which came into effect in 2000, are to be
proclaimed during 2000-2001 (The final parts of the Act were proclaimed in 17
August 2000).

In conjunction
with other legislation (see under the following heading), the Act gives effect
to Australias obligations, responsibilities and rights as a State Party to the
CWC. In particular, the Act:

  • prohibits activities connected to the development, production or use
    of chemical weapons, including assisting anyone engaged in these activities,
    whether intentionally or recklessly-such offences are punishable by life
  • establishes permit and notification systems to provide a legal
    framework for the mandatory provision of data to CWCO (ASNO) by facilities
    which produce or use chemicals as specified by the Convention, so that ASNO can
    lodge declarations with the OPCW;
  • provides for routine inspections of declared facilities and
    challenge inspections of any facility or other place in Australia by OPCW
    inspectors to verify compliance with the CWC, and for inspections by CWCO to
    verify compliance with the Act; and
  • provides for procedures should another
    State Party seek clarification concerning compliance with the Convention by any
    facility or other person or place in Australia.

Regulations under the Act prescribe
procedures and details of other arrangements provided for in the Act. In particular, the Regulations define
conditions that are to be met by holders of permits issued under the Act, and
for granting privileges and immunities to OPCW inspectors when in Australia to
carry out an on-site inspection.

The text of the CWC is reproduced in the
Schedule to the Act. The manner in
which any powers are exercised under the Act must be consistent with the
Convention, and have regard to Australias obligations under it.

The Chemical
Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994
was amended on 6 April 1998. The amendments refine administration of the
Act by simplifying compliance obligations for facilities requiring permits,
clarifying the legislative basis for Australia to implement some of its
obligations under the Convention, correcting drafting errors and improving
certain procedures, including those related to secrecy. For consistency, concomitant Regulations
were amended on 17 December 1998.

Other CWC related legislation

Other aspects
of the CWC which required legislation have been, or are being, dealt with under
existing legislation, in particular the:

  • Customs (Prohibited
    Exports) Regulations
    and Customs (Prohibited
    Imports) Regulations
    , to enforce CWC obligations in relation to export and import
    controls on scheduled chemicals. The
    Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations were amended on 15 December 1999 to
    extend import licensing arrangements to cover all CWC scheduled chemicals; and
  • International
    Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963
    to recognise the OPCW as an international organisation, and to grant
    appropriate privileges and immunities to its officers when in Australia for
    official purposes.

Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Act 1998

The Act gives
effect to Australias obligations as a Party to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty (CTBT). It prohibits the causing
of any nuclear explosion at any place under Australian control and establishes
a penalty of up to life imprisonment for an offence against the provision. The Act also prohibits Australian nationals
from causing a nuclear explosion in any place outside Australian control.

The Act requires the Commonwealth
Government to facilitate verification of compliance with the Treaty provisions,
including the obligation to arrange for the establishment and operation of
Australian monitoring stations and the provision of data from these. It provides the Commonwealth with the
authority to establish IMS stations and to make provision for access to them for CTBT
monitoring purposes. The Act also makes
provision for the Minister for Foreign Affairs to enter into arrangements with the CTBT Organisation to facilitate cooperation in relation
to monitoring stations under Australian control.

Australia is under an obligation, pursuant
to Article IV of the Treaty, to allow CTBT Organisation
inspectors to inspect any place in Australia or the external Territories in an
on-site inspection. The Act provides
comprehensive powers for inspection arrangements, including the right for
inspectors to collect and remove samples and the right to undertake
drilling. Access to facilities by
inspectors for challenge inspections is by consent of the occupier or by
warrant issued by a magistrate.

The Act establishes ACTBO (part of ASNO) as the Australian national authority for the
CTBT. The Act grants ACTBO necessary
legal capacity and provides for the power to make regulations with respect to
privileges and immunities for the CTBT Organisation
and its officials under Australian law in accordance with the Treaty.

The Act was assented to on 2 July 1998 but,
as provided for in section 2 of the Act, will not come into effect until the
CTBT enters into force.

Proposed legislative amendments

It is envisaged that amendments to relevant
legislation will be introduced at a convenient time in order to formalise the
amalgamation of ASO, CWCO and ACTBO into ASNO and to formally establish the position of
Director General, ASNO.

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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