ASNO Annual Report 2010-2011
Welcome to the photo gallery for the 2010–2011 report. This section is an add-on to the electronic version of this year's report capturing the photos used in the print report to create this electronic gallery. Each picture and caption is also displayed in its associated section throughout the report where access to the enlarged pictures is also available.
Each of the pictures has an enlarged version, just click on the picture or the "Enlarge image" link below each picture to view the bigger version of the photograph.
The OPAL reactor building, at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). (Photo: Copyright ANSTO)
OPCW inspectors in personal protective equipment during the Old Chemical Weapons inspection at Columboola, QLD, September 2010. (Photo: Department of Defence)
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano addresses the 1285th session of the IAEA Board of Governors, September 2010. (Photo: Copyright IAEA/Dean Calma)
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Kevin Rudd and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after a wide ranging discussion that featured nuclear non-proliferation.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev witnessed the exchange of notes that brought the Australia-Russia nuclear cooperation agreement into force on 11 November 2010.
US Experts preparing OCW for safe storage before destruction at Columboola (Photo: Department of Defence).
Excavation of 105mm OCW projectiles at Columboola, QLD, 2009 (Photo: Department of Defence).
External view of the building containing theTransportable Detonation Chamber at Columboola.
(Photo: Department of Defence)
OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Ãzümcü with the Minister for Defence, Mr Stephen Smith (Photo: Copyright OPCW).
Director General ASNO, Robert Floyd and Director General, State Atomic Energy Corporation (ROSATO M), Sergey Kirienko concluding the Exchange of Letters on Administrative Arrangements under the Australia-Russia Nuclear Cooperation Agreement.
Chemical production facility and ASNO representatives with the OPCW Inspection Team during a routine industry inspection at a declared chemical facility in NSW, May 2011.
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva and to the Conference on Disarmament, Peter Woolcott (second from the right) chairing expert discussions on a possible Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty assisted by ASNO's Malcolm Coxhead.
ASNO and IAEA inspectors with ANSTO representatives during a routine inspection in March 2011
ASNO and mine staff at a physical security inspection of the Honeymoon mine.
Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (INFCIRC/225/Rev. 5)
Stephan Bayer, Australia's sous-Sherpa, at the Nuclear Security Summit sherpa meeting in Buenos Aires.
Participants at the ad hoc meeting of the Asia-Pacific Safeguards Network (APSN), Singapore 25 March 2011.
Facility and ASNO/DFAT representatives with the OPCW Inspection Team during a routine industry inspection at a chemical plant in NSW, December 2010.
OPCW inspectors preparing to verify OCW munitions at Columboola. Image courtesy of Defence.
OPCW, Facility and ASNO representatives during a routine industry inspection at a declared chemical plant in NSW, December 2010.
ASNO's Malcolm Coxhead leading discussion on operational procedures for on-site inspection for the CTBT (Photo: Copyright CTBTO).
President of KINAC, Mr Chang Sang-ku (fourth from the right) and Director General ASNO, Dr Robert Floyd (fourth from the left) along with other representatives from KINAC and from the Australian Embassy in Seoul after discussions on nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation.
An ASNO inspection of port facilities used for the export of Australian uranium ore concentrate.