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244 Mr A. Eden, U.K. Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, to Mr R.G. Menzies, Prime Minister

Cablegram unnumbered LONDON, 26 September 1939, 4.42 p.m.

Received 26 September 1939


1. During last few days War Cabinet have been considering whole
problem of future requirements in air strength and nature of
effort likely to be required. Conclusion reached and [1] problem
is one of vital importance especially in the light of the success
obtained by the German Air Force in helping to achieve rapid
subjugation of Poland. It is now abundantly clear that
overwhelming Air Force will be needed in order to counter German
air strength and, in combination with other military measures and
economic pressure, to bring ultimate victory.

2. With this in view War Cabinet have sanctioned immediate
measures here directed to further expansion of aircraft production
and training. Objective is to build up gradually and maintain in
continuous operation a greatly enlarged Air Force. In view of the
unfortunate fact that the wastage rate of the Air Force when
engaged in continuous and heavy operations is exceedingly high, it
is expected there would be required not less than twenty thousand
pilots and thirty thousand personnel of air crews for maintenance
of this enlarged Force. To provide these, it is estimated that
about ninety elementary and advanced flying training schools, with
some subsidiary air crew and ground schools, would be necessary.

3. In this respect we find ourselves under grave disability in
that the training organization now required is more than twice the
entire training capacity available in the United Kingdom, having
regard to limited space, operational restrictions and
vulnerability to air attack.

4. It seems to us that this is a problem in the solution of which
overseas parts of the Empire may well be able to play a decisive
part. If about one half of this vast training organization say
fifty flying training schools (of which 25 would be for advanced
training) with some subsidiary schools could be built up elsewhere
than in the United Kingdom it would be, in our judgment, of
inestimable value to the common cause. We have therefore been
thinking over the lines on which such an effort might be realized
and venture for consideration of your Government a scheme of which
the following is outlined.

5. Schools for elementary training would be established in each
Dominion according to its capacity. Whilst all Dominions enjoy
equal immunity from risk of enemy interference Canada has special
advantages in nearness to United Kingdom, greater potentiality for
the manufacture of service type of aircraft and proximity to the
vast resources of the United States of America. For this reason
the conception of the scheme involves general agreement on the
part of all Governments concerned that advanced training for
trainees from elementary training schools should be centred in
Canada. There would be a continuous flow of trained personnel from
the elementary training schools at our disposal to theatres of
operation. It would also be our intention that a number of those
who have completed elementary training in the United Kingdom
should receive their advanced training in Canada.

6. We appreciate that any such scheme of rationalized training
must depend on adequate provision for training types and advanced
service types of aircraft. It is our hope that the existing
resources of the Dominions for production of trainers and their
engines will be fully utilized and expanded to meet requirements
of elementary schools as determined by the extent to which each
Dominion may decide to participate in the general scheme of
training. It would not be the intention to retard or interfere
with the projects already embarked on for the Dominion production
of service types. We are working out numbers and types of aircraft
both training and advanced that we think would be required and we
should be in a position to let you have particulars at an early

7. We should wish to do everything in our power, as for example by
loan of personnel, to help in building up the organisation
outlined above. 8. It is of course contemplated that the first
call on Dominion personnel who had received their training in
schools under the scheme would be for such Air Force Units of the
Dominions as the several Dominion Governments might be prepared to
provide and maintain.

9. If a scheme on the above lines is acceptable in principle to
your Government we suggest as a first step joint discussions
between experts. We think these discussions might most
conveniently take place in Canada. We ourselves are ready at very
short notice to send to Canada a mission of high standing
specialty qualified for this particular purpose and we hope that
it might be possible for it to discuss the questions involved with
similar missions from other Governments concerned.

10. We hope that you will agree to explore the immense influence
which the development and realization of such a great project as
that outlined in this telegram may have upon the whole course of
the war; it might even prove decisive. We trust therefore that
this co-operative method of approach to the problem will appeal to
your Government. The knowledge that a vast air potentiality was
being built up in the Dominions where no German Air activity could
interfere with its expansion might well have a psychological
effect on Germans equal to that produced by the intervention of
the United States in the last war with cumulative effect of its
vast resources.

11. It would be most helpful if you could let me know at the
earliest possible moment whether your Government approved of the
suggested scheme in principle and whether they are agreeable to
join the discussions in Canada in order that immediate
arrangements may be made to that end. 12. I have conveyed the
substance of the above scheme to the Prime Ministers of Canada [2]
and New Zealand [3] also [4]

1 ?that.

2 W.L. Mackenzie King.

3 M.J. Savage.

4 The air training scheme was approved in principle by War Cabinet
on 5 October 1939. See AA:A2673, vol. 1, 5 October 1939, Minute

[AA:A1608, A17/2/2, i]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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