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Historical documents

461 Hodgson to Makin

Cablegram 500 LONDON, 17 December 1945, 1.15 p.m.


The intense interest and debate on the site of headquarters
culminated yesterday in a most dramatic session of conference with
the selection of the United States. Protagonists for Europe had
fought the question very hard and had used every device and tactic
to decoy the vote. We had endeavoured without success to induce
them to put up a specific amendment to recommendation that one of
the Executive Committee committees report either in favour of
Europe or a particular country as against the United States.

Eventually a proposal was submitted yesterday whereby a vote would
be taken generally on any country a delegate desired to vote on.

The country receiving the greatest number of votes outside the
United States would then be submitted as an amendment. If this was
defeated then the vote would finally be taken on recommendation
one. The only procedural question at issue at that stage was
whether such vote should be by secret ballot. With two speakers
for each side I spoke strongly in favour of open ballot in
consonance with the views all delegates had already openly and
freely expressed and on the grounds it would be bad principle for
the United Nations to have a secret ballot on questions of major
substance. Further it was a vote not by or for individuals but a
vote of governments.

When the open ballot was carried the opponents then called off the
whole of the proposal before the Committee. Eventually it was
agreed to have a vote on a site in Europe first. I strongly
favoured this and put the views that if this was defeated then
some members might at least abstain or give a vote to the United
States in an endeavour to show to world opinion a great measure of
unanimity. This proved to be so in fact for although Europe was
defeated by 26 votes to 24 the final vote then gave the requisite
two-thirds majority for the United States and this was then made
unanimous. Some surprising results were-India voted for Europe and
then in the final vote for America. New Zealand voted for Europe
and then abstained, coming in for severe criticism right to the
last for sitting on the fence. Egypt after speaking for Europe
voted against. Discussion will commence on Monday for a specific
site in United States. We have some forty invitations with some
twenty delegations actually present in London advocating the
merits of specific cities.

There will certainly be some support for San Francisco but in an
exhaustive ballot I am inclined to the view it may be eliminated
towards the end of the vote as the majority of European and Near
East states are naturally going for an eastern site and Boston,
whose case was splendidly presented to the Sub-Committee, seems a
favourite selection for them. Chicago is also receiving
considerable support. Hyde Park, seventy miles from New York, the
ancestral home of the late President Roosevelt has also come into
calculation, and I understand is being supported by the Soviet
group. I think Philadelphia and the site in Connecticut is too
near New York and Washington.

I appreciate the discretion given me in case San Francisco is
eliminated but frankly I have an open mind and would appreciate
any views the government may have as soon as possible. [1]

1 An unexpected vote forced by the European group a week later
narrowed the choice to a site east of the Mississippi. Hasluck
represented Australia on an interim committee established to
report on possible sites to the first General Assembly. See
cablegram 12628, UN035, dispatched 24 December (in AA : A5954, box

[AA : A1838 T189(sv), 852/9/1, i]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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