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Historical documents

1 Hasluck to Dunk

Cablegram 12720 LONDON, 31 December 945, 3.25 p.m.


Following information was obtained in various personal
conversations at prompting of Dr. Evatt and is forwarded for
submission to him on arrival. [1]

Presidency of Assembly. Salamanca [2] states Russians have
objected to Spaak or any other Western European candidate. United
States may now suggest Koo (China). Many Delegations feel,
however, that small power should have presidency and Salamanca and
Zuleta [3] still want you and believe you would commend yourself
to all sections. United Kingdom favouring Spaak is only
considerable influence against us. Salamanca still hopes for your
attendance but it will be impossible to hold position beyond third
or fourth.

Election to Security Council. General position was set out in
Hodgson's telegram 12645. [4] Gavrilovic (Yugoslavia) has again
expressed himself favourably to Australia. While Soviet is silent
itself my impression is they will not accept Latin American claim
to two seats and will prefer Mexico to Brazil. They may also claim
spare seat for Ukraine. Their general approach is to favour states
which have contributed to victory and so far as Gavrilovic speaks
for them they prefer Australia to Canada. Nevertheless Moscow
Agreement on Atomic Energy associating Canada with studies whether
or not a member of Security Council [5] may influence them to
place Canada on Council as otherwise there would be two Dominions
present whenever Atomic questions were being discussed. United
States is sympathetic to us. I fear, however, that British views
will gravely prejudice our chances of election.

Secretary General. Names now being canvassed include Spaak, Van
Kleffens and Pearson. Soviet Group intends to put forward Stancje
Simic Yugoslav Ambassador to United States and career Diplomat for
past 20 years. He was Delegate at San Francisco and will be
Delegate to Assembly. it appears to be generally accepted-
(A) That Security Council recommendation is matter of substance
and veto applies and
(B) Consequently prior agreement among permanent Members will be
necessary before Council can make recommendation. Therefore this
question will in fact be settled politically outside Assembly.

Headquarters. As Member of Interim Committee Headquarters, I
protested strongly against procedure by which selection was
narrowed down to North Eastern corner of United States without
adequate examination of evidence submitted re various sites but
was outvoted by nine to one. Subject has been handled in
peremptory way but our own record is clean.

Delegations. I venture to repeat views expressed before you left
Canada re need for Ministerial representation on Australian
Delegation. Subsequent events and composition of other Delegations
reinforce arguments for your own attendance.

Permanent Representation at Headquarters. Results of enquiries re
nature of possible Australian representation at United Nations
Headquarters have been forwarded in two memos [6] to Department.

1 Evatt was en route to Sydney from Vancouver after attending
meetings of the Far Eastern Advisory Commission in Washington.

2 Carlos Salamanca, chairman of the Bolivian delegation.

3 Eduardo Zuleta Angel, Colombian representative and, in 1945,
president of the United Nations Preparatory Commission.

4 See Volume VIII, Document 477, noting the U.K. Govt's preference
for Canada for election to the Security Council.

5 See Volume Vill, Documents 467 and 470.

6 in memoranda of 14 December (Volume VIII, Document 452) and 31
December 1945, Hasluck urged the appointment of a permanent
representative, with appropriate rank, at the U.N. headquarters.

[AA:A3195, 1946, 1.00013/39789]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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