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101 High Commissioner's Office in London to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 1190 LONDON, 20 February 1946, 8.12 p.m.



Following reply to your telegram P15 [1] is forwarded after
discussions between the Resident Minister, the Dominions Office,
Walker and Cochrane.

1. There is no indication that value of patents and industrial
processes will be taken into account as part of our share of

2. Value of expropriated enemy property in Australia will be
deducted from the Australian share under Category A. See final act
Paris Conference part one Article One paragraphs (d), (e) and (f)
and Article 6.

3. The Australian share in category (b) will probably be between
three and six million pounds sterling. As stated above value of
expropriated property is normally charged against Category (a) and
not category See Cochrane's report dated 18th sent by hand with
Gray, Mr. Makin's Secretary.

4. our right to share in processes and patents is not limited in
any way by our signing the agreement.

5. The meeting in Brussels on 28th is a meeting of members of
Reparations Assembly and not a Conference. Only those who have
signed the agreement and paid their contributions can participate.

6. While delay of a few days after 28th may not exclude Australia
from participation in the reparations plan it would place us at an
initial disadvantage and would probably preclude the Australian
Delegate from serving on any sub-committees since these will be
elected at the initial meeting between the 28th and the 5th March.

Strongly urge Australia sign before 28th.

1 Document 98.

[AA:A1067, ER46/19/2/1]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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