Historical documents
Letter LONDON, 2 April 1946
No doubt you have seen the correspondence between London and
Canberra on the United Kingdom Mission on Guided Missiles and are
fully aware of the scope and intention behind General Evetts'
Mission. The party is going out as a result of the instructions
given to Coulson after the discussion by the Defence Committee
when he was in Australia last year. On his return to this country
he put our views, as recorded in your letter to Brodribb [1] of
November 9th, before the appropriate people here and they have now
accepted our assurances that Australia is both capable and willing
to provide the facilities geographically and industrially required
for the furtherance of their developmental work on long range
guided missiles and pilotless aircraft.
As a result of their acceptance of our assurances the U.K. are
sending a team, led by Lt.-General Evetts and consisting of Wing
Commander Harman, Royal Air Force, Messrs. Coles, Yarrow and
Clemmow from the Ministry of Supply and Mr. Calpine from the
Admiralty, to confirm what we here in London have so strongly
advocated, that is, that we have in Australia most of the things
they need. The Mission is going in a most receptive frame of mind,
they are, in fact, sold on the idea before leaving London, but it
is necessary, as we have so often insisted, that the U.K.
authorities verify for themselves that Australia has all that we
have said she has.
In a cablegram despatched to you to-day, I have outlined their
movement from the U.K. to Australia and have told you, as you were
probably already aware, that I have suggested that the Prime
Minister should see General Evetts immediately he arrives and
discuss with him the terms and scope of his instructions. I have
not yet heard whether the Prime Minister has agreed to this
suggestion but very much hope that he sees Evetts, as I feel that
this Mission is of such tremendous importance to Australia that it
is worthy of the most cordial and friendly reception at the
highest level.
There is little doubt that the Mission on its return will furnish
a Report which will recommend the U.K. authorities to transfer to
Australia the whole of the developmental work on long range guided
missiles. This project is so large in scope and covers such a wide
range of associated problems that it virtually means the
transference to Australia of a not inconsiderable part of the
Armament Research Organisation of this country, together with
considerable numbers of research workers and the establishment in
Australia of numerous small but extremely important undertakings
for the supply of the materials required for the construction,
guiding and propulsion of the weapons. Some of this is already in
the country and merely needs amplification and extension, but
quite a bit of it is unknown in Australia and means the
establishment of new industries. It is not clear yet how much of
this will be the province of private industry, but whether
developed in Government owned or controlled factories or in
annexes to established private business, it will undoubtedly be an
extremely important development in the industrial life of our
country. Later it is envisaged that Australia will become the
supply source for the whole Empire, which illustrates the
importance which the U.K. Government are attaching to both the
Mission and the project.
A detailed itinerary is not possible until after the Mission has
reached Australia and discussed plans with you, but in general
they would like to visit the proposed site as early as possible so
that they can confirm that the geographical requirements are
available. After that there will be discussions with the various
Service Chiefs, Supply and Research Organisations, particularly at
Maribyrnong, the Radio-Physics Laboratories of C.S.I.R. in Sydney,
and the Aeronautical Research Laboratories at Fishermans Bend, and
a look at armament, electrical and chemical industry.
I believe this Mission to be of such importance that no effort
should be spared to have available all the people they would like
to interview and to provide them with every possible facility for
rapid transport. You will recall that at the Meeting held at
Victoria Barracks on the 16th October, Air Vice Marshal Jones, on
behalf of the R.A.A.F. promised full support from his organisation
in providing facilities for air transport should a Mission such as
the one now led by General Evetts visit Australia. I would
strongly urge that you do your best to keep them up to this as the
Mission is very limited for time and it is important that they
make a thorough aerial survey of the area proposed for the Range.
I had hoped that the Mission would have visited Australia whilst
you yourself were available to look after them and see they had
everything they wanted. This, of course, is not to be, as you will
be leaving Australia soon after the Mission arrives.
I have said enough to convince you of my own views on the
importance of this matter and will finish by urging that you
strongly impress upon whoever you are leaving to look after the
Mission that they must be taken care of in every possible way. I
have assured them here in London that Australia will offer them
every facility to see everything and everyone and I depend on you
not to let me down in this.
I am looking forward to seeing you here in London in a very short
time from now and sincerely hope that you have a pleasant trip and
happy landings.
[AA:A5954, BOX 1910]