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33 Department of External Affairs to Makin

Cablegram UND[5] CANBERRA, 16 January 1946


Confirming Minister's conversation tonight with Watt:

1. Minister does not agree your position as President Security
Council [1] obliges you to take neutral attitude [2]; but on
contrary will give opportunities to take lead on questions now to
be discussed.

2. Main outstanding question at present meetings from Australian
point of view is site of centre. We should not assume
recommendation of preparatory commission will be accepted and
whole Delegation must work hard for San Francisco. Tactic should
be yes or no decision on U.S.A. then not coast versus coast debate
but separate vote on each recommended site.

3. Decision on site should not be postponed. It is most important
that next meeting of Assembly should not be in London but at
chosen site or as near as is physically possible from
accommodation point of view. Security Council should be
transferred to site as soon as current meetings complete and
before proposed April meeting of Assembly.

4. You are aware Minister's views on atomic energy. [3] While
Security Council must be closely associated with proposals for
control the Assembly must play full part and be in position to
discuss and recommend at all stages and have reports constantly
referred to it.

5. Election Secretary General presents problem as no candidate so
far named is outstanding. Minister definitely opposed to Van
Kleffens. He is equally opposed in principle to national of great
powers and persons named from United Kingdom and China [4] are
also not acceptable on personal grounds. Simic must be regarded as
Russian representative and is objectionable on grounds of above
principle. Pearson has not necessary strength and in any case
Canada is too closely associated with major powers. Both these
objections to Pearson became obvious at San Francisco. On balance
Lie is strongly favoured and Minister desires you and Hodgson to
meet him, indicate we wish to support Norway and find out whether
he is a candidate, what is his general attitude to Assembly and
role of small powers. Minister desires full report. Lie should
know we desire support Norway and also that we voted for him as
President. [5]

1 Cablegram 256 of 13 January reported that Makin would become
first President of the Security Council under its Provisional
Rules of Procedure, which provided that each month's presidency
was to be held in turn by the members of the Security Council in
the English alphabetical order of their names.

2 Makin had commented in cablegram 311 of 15 January that
Australia's presidency of the Security Council for the first month
made it 'difficult' for Australia to advocate any candidate for

3 See Document 24, and note 3 thereto.

4 Anthony Eden and V. K. Wellington Koo, respectively.

5 In plenary session of the General Assembly on 10 January, Lie
had been defeated for the presidency of the General Assembly by
Paul-Henri Spaak of Belgium.

[AA:A1838 T189, 852/9/1, i]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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