Historical documents
Letter CANBERRA, 20 February 1946
With reference to the letter from this office of even date
regarding defence science research and development I am directed
by the Acting High Commissioner [1] to say that the United Kingdom
authorities have had under consideration the question of the
location of testing and research facilities for the full scale
development and testing of guided and propelled missiles and
projectiles (see paragraph 3(i) of the letter under reference).
2. In the view of the United Kingdom authorities the need for a
large area in which trials with guided weapons can be carried out
is becoming increasingly apparent. The ideal requirements are that
the area should be:-
(a) in size approximately 1,000 miles long by about 200 miles in
width at the target end.
(b) well protected from a security point of view.
(c) easily accessible by road and rail to the firing point.
(d) easily surveyed for observation of fall of shot and recovery.
(e) be situated in a district with a suitable climate all the year
round without an extremely low temperature.
(f) be within reach of an industrial background capable of
manufacturing the various components under good security
(g) be within reach of facilities for a permanent research
3. Suggestions have been received that a suitable site and
facilities might be made available in Australia. The United
Kingdom authorities suggest that in the first instance it might be
well if a Mission could be sent from the United Kingdom to
Australia to discuss the above requirements and what arrangements
might be made between the authorities concerned in the United
Kingdom and Australia.
4. For this purpose the United Kingdom authorities would like to
send a small Mission to Australia as soon as can conveniently be
arranged and in any case in time if possible for a report to be
made to the responsible authorities before the informal Conference
on Defence Science which will probably be held from the 3rd to the
17th June.
5. The Acting High Commissioner has been asked to ascertain
whether the Commonwealth authorities would be prepared to receive
a Mission on the lines proposed.
[AA:A461, K337/1/11, i]