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Historical documents

171 Legge to Burton

Minute CANBERRA, 28 July 1947


Mr. Barsdell reported that he had broadcast several times on
Saturday in English, Dutch and Malay the report of the
Government's reply to the Indonesian broadcast regarding
diplomatic representation, as requested. [1] He wished to know if
there were any further information about this matter that he could
use for Radio Australia.

2. He reported that Radio Australia is giving a neutral account of
the dispute, broadcasting only summaries of the information that
he picks up from various sources as far as the actual events are
concerned. As far as the Australian angle goes, he has broadcast a
balanced account giving, for example, the religious leaders' and
the Trades and Labour Council protests, and also the statements of
the Dutch Attache in Melbourne and of Mr. Teppema.

3. Dr. Leyser reports that he has now got a 24-hour cover [2] on
what can be heard from Djokjakarta, Batavia and Hilversum. [3]

1 See Documents 149, 153, 163 and 169.

2 See Document 157.

3 The site of the Netherlands shortwave radio service.

[AA:A1068/1, P147/1/1/5]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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