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Historical documents

310 Evatt to Mackenzie King and Smuts

Cablegrams 7, 8 CANBERRA, 20 April 1947


You will have received the United Kingdom Government's suggestion
of an early British Commonwealth Conference to discuss Japanese
peace settlement.

2. Before receipt of this message, we had already suggested such a
Conference to the United Kingdom Government following upon recent
statement that, in our view, an early peace Conference was
essential if we were to avoid the present unsatisfactory procedure
by which matters are dealt with one by one-for example,
disposition of Japanese fleet, disposition of Japanese Islands,
reparations-and without the opportunity of effective participation
being given to us and other major belligerents in the war against

3. After consultations with the New Zealand Government, we decided
to suggest a Conference at Canberra. There have been many British
Commonwealth Conferences at London and, in our view, Australia is
the fitting site, being the primary base of operations in the war
against Japan and having regard to the war effort of this country
against Japan.

4. I hope we can look to your co-operation in urging that the
Conference be held at Canberra because I am aware of your
disappointment over procedures which have been adopted in relation
to two European peace treaties. While Canada and South Africa have
not been as directly concerned in the Japanese Control Council as
Australia, both countries are very much concerned with the
principles of decisions which might be taken in relation to a
peace settlement with Japan and I would regard it as important and
helpful that you should attend a preliminary conference such as we
have suggested. [1]

1 Smuts had earlier cabled in reply to Australia's cable to
Addison of 17 April that while sympathising with Australia's view,
South Africa had no special interest in the Japanese settlement
and would be unable to send a delegation to Australia. A note to
Evatt through the Canadian High Commission, dated 21 April,
suggested that it would be more convenient to continue informal
discussions in Washington, where the possibility of transforming
the FEC into a preparatory commission for the peace settlement
might be considered.

[AA: A1068, P47/10/61, ii]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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