Historical documents
Teleprinter Message HEARD ISLAND, 29 December 1947, 4 p.m.
Having unloaded bulk equipment established camp site Campbell
considered time officially proclaim Heard Island Australian
Territory. All personnel working ashore gathered round humble flag
pole improvised then buoy staff formed two parties one of
expedition one sailors listened intently while Campbell read
proclamation which was then duly signed by him behalf Commonwealth
witnessed Lieut. Commander Dixon comma Burgess Navy Mr. Abbotsmith
expeditioners. It was then placed in metal container beside foot
of flag staff. Party stood at attention historic bugle sounded
present while Australian National flag crept slowly upwards and
finally broke out fluttered in icy wind over this new Australian
Territory as a finale gave three rousing cheers. The King.
Bulk stores equipment had been transferred from ship to shore
through the 22 hours of calm weather in 18 consecutive days when
the ship was able to beach. The remainder about 50 tons in all had
to be transferred from off shore anchorage by small beaching craft
which were manoeuvred by hand through surf finally hauled beach
bulldozer first piece equipment landed when L.S.T. beached. Over
200 drums oil lowered over ships side and assisted by wind and
swell floated ashore on tide when they were hauled high and dry by
recovery parties pontoons which had been improvised when other
craft found unsuitable used lighter heaviest cases. A desperate
race against time to haul last pontoon ashore which had been
battered by the heavy swell and had sprung. David Eastman official
photographer with expedition and party descended steep perilous
side rocky cliffs to film domestic life in a rookery of over
10,000 penguins situated at base might pinnacle needle line rock
rising over 200 feet sheer out sea joined to foot cliffs by short
peninsula parade ground quaint fascinating inhabitants of
Antarctic who for while became movie actors. Their curiosity
caused considerable trouble cameraman as they were clustered so
thickly around him. On several occasions he had to save camera
from being overturned when tripod was struck by their powerful
flippers. Over all this scene party witnessed constant struggle
survival fittest where savage Skua Gulls hovered overhead waiting
pounce clown any baby penguins momentarily exposed from protection
parents bodies. Quaint little white Sheaf Bills commonly called
Paddies followed closely heels expeditioners as they picked way
among nests ready rush in seize unprotected eggs.
[AA : A1068, A47/26/11]