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Historical documents

275 Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN164 NEW YORK, 4 March 1949, 7.49 p.m.



Our 162. [1]

1. At informal luncheon today given by Romulo which was attended
by representatives here of most of the Delhi Conference countries
including myself, considerable discussion was held on possible
steps open to the Security Council. Most of those present agree
that impending Conference at The Hague made it necessary for the
Council to take some action quickly which would prevent the Dutch
from seizing and retaining the initiative. Any so-called agreement
issuing from The Hague Conference, however little bona fide would
produce a new situation and lead to further complications.

However, no precise proposals emerged and there was no attempt to
reach any conclusions. There was general agreement that at this
stage the Security Council should be left to decide on its own
actions and that it would not be advisable for the Delhi group to
attempt any initiative. Both Romulo and Palar raised the question
of sanctions but general feeling was that discussion of this would
be premature.

2. The exchange of views was on a purely personal footing and was
in no sense a meeting.

3. In a memorandum circulated yesterday to representatives here of
the New Delhi countries, Palar after analysing Dutch non-
compliance with January 28th resolution [2] claimed that guerilla
successes in Indonesia have now become an extremely important
factor in the situation and a solution not based on the present
military facts would be bound to create great difficulties for the
Republican leaders. Memorandum states that the change in the
military position will have to find expression in the debates and
decisions of the Security Council and that it would be in the
interests of a speedy solution of the question to create a general
atmosphere in which it would be impossible for the Security
Council to avoid a discussion on the imposition of sanctions.

Indonesians feel that any action by the New Delhi countries at
this juncture would be of 'tremendous importance'. Such action
should consist of
(A) verdict of Dutch non-compliance with the Security Council
(B) a statement of willingness of the participating countries
functioning as a regional unit within the scope of the United
Nations to impose immediate sanctions against the Dutch
(C) pressure on the Council and its member countries to impose
sanctions against the Dutch.

4. Please see my following telegram. [3]

1 Document 269.

2 Document 168.

3 Document 277.

[AA : A1838, 854/10/4/3, iv]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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