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Historical documents

338 High Commission in New Delhi to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 261 NEW DELHI, 5 April 1949, 7.05 p.m.


Our 255. [1] Discussion will now take place on April 13th.

According to a letter [2] received this morning from Bajpai, it
will deal with the present situation in Indonesia. He said this
afternoon that no other subject will be discussed at this
juncture. In addition to Nehru, the meeting will be attended by
the heads of missions of those governments participating in the
Indonesian conference last January, who are diplomatically
represented in Delhi. On the assumption that you will approve, the
High Commissioner and Kevin propose to attend. If you have any
instructions, we should be glad to receive them.

(2) Bajpai is not very precise about the agenda. He says merely
that the Governments concerned may desire to send additional
instructions to their Representatives at the General Assembly. He
also says that the meeting in Delhi might perhaps examine the
question of imposing sanctions if a solution through United
Nations should not be forthcoming.

1 Document 336.

2 Not published.

[AA : A1838, 854/10/4/3, iv]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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