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Historical documents

458 Sastroamidjojo to Eaton

Letter DJOKJAKARTA, 21 July 1949


With reference to your letter [1] of 27 May 1949 no. 352/1, I
herewith have the honour to inform you that the selection of
candidates for the Senior and Junior Fellowships offered by your
Government has been closed and resulted in the nomination of the
following persons:

Senior Fellowships: 1. Dr. Sugoto, Engineer,
2. Miss Kurnianingrat.

Junior Fellowship: 1. Mr. Sabarsudiman.

I regret very much not to be able to nominate more candidates as
suggested in your letter, because as a consequence of the Dutch
military action most of our candidates who had been already
selected before 19 December 1949 are still outside the residency
of Jogjakarta fulfilling their duties.

I therefore beg your kind intermediary to convey my request to
your Government to the effect that this emergency situation be
taken into consideration so that aforementioned persons could be
regarded as the only and most qualified candidates of the Republic
of Indonesia.

These candidates have been selected very carefully under my
personal observation and I can assure you that they will represent
the Republican ideals in a satisfactory way.

The documents concerning these applicants, required by your
letter, are enclosed herewith. I should however like to draw your
attention to a matter of personal interest of one of the

Mr. Sugoto, who is an engineer, asked me whether it would be
possible to bring his wife with him on their own expenses. She is
a sister of Prince Paku Alam of Jogjakarta, and her going with her
husband would be of great help and advantage not only for his
study, but also for making the Australian people acquainted with
Indonesian culture and art, since Mrs. Kusbinah Sugoto is a well-
known performer of Javanese dances in the palace of Prince Paku
Alam. These circumstances will certainly promote the friendly
relations between the Australian and Indonesian peoples. I
therefore beg you to urge your Government that permission be given
to Mrs. Sugoto to accompany her husband to Australia.

As to Miss Kurnianingrat I would like to draw your attention to
the fact that she is one of the most qualified teachers in the
English language in our secondary schools. Besides she has very
much interest in general problems of education, and since in the
Republic of Indonesia there are but few specialists on educational
psychology it would be a great help if Miss Kurnianingrat could
take the advantage of this fellowship for the completion of her
study in educational psychology.

For further information I would like to refer to Mr. Harris,
member of the Australian Goodwill-mission to Indonesia, who met
Miss Kurnianingrat personally at Jogjakarta. Mr. Harris told me
that according to his opinion Miss Kurnianingrat would be an
excellent representative of Indonesian womanhood when sent to
Australia on the fellowship offered by your Government.

Our candidate for Junior Fellowship, Mr. Sabarsudiman, has already
acquired experience during his work in the Post-Telegraph and
Telephone Service, and his study in Australia, although only for a
short time, will be of great help to the development of his
technical ability.

I will therefore beg your kind cooperation for urging your
Government in order that above-mentioned applications be taken
into favourable consideration.

In connection with the necessary preparations for the departure to
Australia I would be very much obliged to you if I could receive
information concerning your Government's decision in this matter
in due time.

May I convey to you my gratitude for your kind and valuable
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Sir, the
assurance of my high consideration.

1 Document 424.

[AA : A4357/2, 352/1]
Last Updated: 11 September 2013
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