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Historical documents

477 Cablegram to Jakarta

Canberra, 2 July 1976




  1. We note (paragraph 6 of JA75421) that the Indonesians are still willing to facilitate a visit by Wmspeare and that he would be able to visit all provinces.The problem remains, however, that the Secretary-General is unlikely to authorise his Special Representative to visit 'one area' without his either going to the 'other area' as well, or in effect proving that such an 'other area' no longer exists. We continue to feel that the best course in this situation is to encourage the Secretary-General to test the ability of Fretilin to nominate a practical site for talks. Such a course would imply that Indonesia/PGET would guarantee, presumabl[y] in advance, not to impede contacts if Fretilin were able to nominate a venue. This may be hard for Indonesia to swallow, but if, as Idris maintains, Fretilin no longer has accessible area under its control, why not expose this situation by encouraging the Secretary-General to test the situation?
  2. The Minister had decided to reserve his position on the idea of a personal message to Waldheim (paragraph 8 of your JA7542), but had agreed on 1 July that we should meanwhile proceed with the alternative proposal (paragraph 7 of UN59282) that Harry should address a letter to the Secretary-General setting out our suggestions relating to the return of the Special Representative to Timor, including our offer to consider a request to assist with transport.
  3. In the light of ldris' representations we plan to withhold action for the time being as Idris' response to your further approaches could possibly affect the terms of any further action in New York. But we think it important to pin the Indonesians down on whether they are serious about wishing Winspeare to proceed with a second visit to the territory. If they are-and we have noted the reference in last week's A[S]EAN declaration3 to urg[e] the Special Representative to complete his mission-then Indonesia must try to create conditions to allow a visit to take place. In particular we should like you to put to Idris the considerations outlined in paragraph 7.
  4. You will be aware that the New Zealand Foreign Minister is considering sending a message to Malik advocating a further Indonesian effort to get Winspeare back to Timor. The New Zealanders are also considering the possibility of a separate message to Waldheim.

[NAA: A1838, 3038/13/10/1, v]

  • 1 1 July. It reported a discussion between Woolcott and Idris, and the Indonesian request for Australian Government opinion on the location of Fretilin-controlled areas of East Timor.
  • 2 Document 473.
  • 3 See note 3 to Document 476.
Last Updated: 29 November 2013
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