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Volume 25: Australia and the Formation of Malaysia, 1961–1966

73 Submission From Waller To Barwick - Historical Documents - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Canberra, 11 June 1963

Top Secret

Malaysia–Defence Agreement

We shall shortly have to begin negotiations of some fresh agreement covering the presence of the Strategic Reserve in Malaysia after August 31st. You mentioned this matter to Mr. Jockel in Wellington1 and stressed the desirability of finding a form of words which would link our presence in Malaysia with the defence of the region rather than simply the defence of Malaysia against Indonesia. It seems to me that we want a formula which will–

(a) not merely be coextensive with the United Kingdom agreement;

(b) will clarify our obligation to Malaysia;

(c) can be explained to Indonesia as not being directed against them and will enable us to discuss questions of mutual defence with them.

2. The following are some formulas which may suggest an idea to you

United Kingdom 1957 Agreement2

'Such assistance as the Government of the Federation of Malaya may require for the external defence of its territory.'

'The fulfilment of Commonwealth and international obligations.'

(The Strategic Reserve is in Malaya for these purposes.)

United Kingdom 1961 Agreement3

'Assisting in the defence of Malaysia and for Commonwealth Defence and for the preservation of peace in South East Asia.'

Possible Formulas

'Assisting in the defence of Malaysia against aggression by Communist powers or by internal subversion.'

'Assisting in the preservation of the peace of the region and its defence against external aggression.'

'To assist at the request of the Governments of the region in the defence of the region against external aggression or subversion.'

'Assisting in the fulfilment of Australian obligations for the defence of the region.'

[NAA: A1838, TS682/21/1 part 13]

1 Jockel accompanied Barwick to the 1963 ANZUS Council Meeting held in Wellington, 5–6 June.

2 That is, the 1957 UK-Malayan Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance (1957 Anglo-Malayan Defence Agreement, AMDA).

3 In November 1961, the British and Malayan Governments agreed to extend the 1957 AM DA to include the Malaysian Federation.

Last Updated: 26 November 2015
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