Volume 25: Australia and the Formation of Malaysia, 1961–1966
Canberra, 4 August 1963
3067. Secret Immediate
Your 3956.1
The important thing from Australia's point of view is:
(a) that Malaysia should be born without the unflinching hostility of its neighbours;
(b) that the position of the Tunku should be preserved.
If in fact the Tunku is sheltering behind the British in his insistence on 31st August, then this must be his decision. We have previously urged on him the desirability of flexible approach to the negotiations which so far he has conducted skillfully. But if the negotiations were to be wrecked because the British would not agree to a brief postponement then we should be very disturbed because of the far reaching consequences for those of us who live in this area. It is also important that the Americans whose continuing support for Malaysia is essential, should not be given the impression that a breakdown in the negotiations was due to British intransigence. They are the only ones who are in a position to apply any effective sanctions to Indonesia.
2. Minister wishes you to speak urgently to Foreign Office in this sense.
[NAA: A4940, C3389]
1 3 August. It reported Britain's refusal to accept US, and possible UN, proposals that Tunku should agree to a postponement of Malaysia Day.