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Australia-Indonesia Institute Annual Report 2002-2003

Australian Studies Program

The Institute aims to develop a network of Indonesian and Australian educational and cultural institutions to exchange new ideas, stimulate interest in Australia and broaden understanding of Australian society and policies to the Indonesian people, and their government.

The Institute continued its support for an active Australian Studies program through support for teaching, information and resource building at a range of Indonesian universities.

Library and On-line Resources, Widya Mandala Catholic University

The Institute is supporting the development by Widya Mandala Catholic University (WMCU) in Surabaya of electronic and conventional library resources which aim to increase access for Indonesians and Australians to information about the other’s country. A key component of the University’s three-year project is the establishment of a dedicated Internet site containing general information about Australia and Indonesia which will primarily source information from a library network operated under the auspices of the Association of Catholic Institutes of Higher Learning. This will be complemented by the development of conventional library services at WMCU.

Online and Multimedia Australian Studies Centre, Petra Christian University

The Institute has supported the Petra Christian University (PCU) in Surabaya to develop an online and multimedia Australian Studies centre. This will advance the AII and PCU’s shared objectives of promoting the teaching of Australian Studies as a way to improve mutual understanding between the two countries.

The demand within universities for access to information on Australia has increased markedly in Indonesia. The PCU centre will become an important focus for teachers of Australian Studies as a source of information, education and cultural activities. The centre organises multidisciplinary seminars, workshops and training activities on Australian Studies and cultural performances by Australian artists. It is hoped that as the network of Australian Studies centres in Indonesia grows, the PCU centre will become a link among institutions to promote research, academic exchanges, and better access to an online network of resources.

Applied Linguistics Library Research and Resource Centre at Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia (UNM)

The Institute supported the Language Centre, La Trobe University, Bendigo for the development of an Applied Linguistics Research Library and Resource Centre on the Parangtambung campus of the State University of Makassar, Indonesia. The project will provide students who have enrolled in La Trobe’s newly-accredited offshore Graduate Diploma TESOL/Master of Applied Linguistics to have access locally to quality library resources.

The first cohort consisted of 38 students, mainly secondary school teachers, who commenced study in February 2002. The Centre was opened on 19 June by the Rektor of UNM using 800 volumes of Australian books provided by the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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