Australia-Indonesia Institute Annual Report 2002-2003
The Order-in-Council establishing the Australia–Indonesia Institute in 1989 provides that the Board of the Institute shall consist of a Chairperson, and not fewer than four and not more than 12 other Members. The Chairperson and members are appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, serve on a part-time basis and receive sitting fees and travelling allowance in accordance with Remuneration Tribunal Determinations.
Board Members are from different parts of Australia and bring a variety of professional expertise and experience of Indonesia to the Institute.
Chairman |
Mr Philip Flood AO International Consultant, former Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and former Ambassador to Indonesia (1 September 2000 to 25 November 2004). |
Board Members 2001–2002 |
Dr Colin Adam, Acting Chief Executive CSIRO Australia, Melbourne (31 July 1998 to 29 July 2002) | |
Mr Rowan Callick, Asia Pacific Editor, Australian Financial Review (31 May 2001 to 30 May 2004) | |
Ms Georgina Carnegie, Director, Golden Marketing, Sydney (17 March 1999 to 10 April 2003) | |
Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny AC, Chancellor, The University of Adelaide (26 June 2002 to 25 June 2005) | |
Mr Harold Clough AO OBE, Clough Engineering Group, Perth (12 November 1999 to 11 November 2002) | |
Ms Elizabeth Hallett, Partner, Deacons, Sydney (12 November 1999 to 11 November 2002) | |
Dr Christine Fletcher, Consultant in Indonesia working with the Ministry for Home Affairs and the World Bank/UNDP/Asia Development Bank sponsored Partnership for Governance Reform, Darwin (12 November 1999 to 11 November 2002) | |
Professor Virginia Hooker Professor of Indonesian and Malay at the Faculty of Asian Studies and Convenor of the Southeast and South Asia Graduate Program at the Australian National University, Canberra (11 April 2002 to 10 April 2005) | |
Associate Professor Timothy Lindsey, Director , Asian Law Centre, University of Melbourne (17 March 1997 to 12 July 2004) | |
Ms Karin Puels, Consultant, Software Communications Group Australia (SOFCOM) (30 July 1998 to 29 July 2002) | |
Mr David Ritchie, Deputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra (29 June 2001 to 28 June 2004) | |
Retirements between 1 July 2001 and 30 June 2002 |
Mr John Reid AO, Chairman, Chairman Emeritus, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Sydney (24 November 1998 to 23 November 2001) | |
Associate Professor Russell Trood, Director, Centre for the Study of Australia–Asia Relations, School of Asian and International Studies, Brisbane, (17 March 1999 to 16 March 2002) |