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Business Envoy Digital Trade Edition April 2021 banner image

Australia’s Brain Gain The Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce

2020 saw COVID 19 disrupting the world and upending markets, communities and business strategies, prompting the Australian Government to launch a powerful blueprint for economic growth – with the JobMaker Plan a key tool to help turbocharge our economy.

As part of this effort to generate thousands of quality jobs for Australians, the Prime Minister set up the Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce. He ’s described our mission as “Australia ’s brain gain”.

The Taskforce is a cross agency government initiative to bring the best and brightest businesses and talent to Australia. We are targeting high yield companies that can bring new technologies, cutting edge research and development as well as IP and capital to our shores.

Many of the planet ’s most exciting firms and exceptionally talented individuals are re-examining the risks they face and taking a fresh look at their business models, strategies and future markets.

The Taskforce is taking advantage of this unique window to transform Australia into a more powerful magnet for marquee enterprises and exceptional individuals and reap the benefit of their ideas, capital, talent and networks.

This is a deliberately proactive effort. We want people with entrepreneurial energy and deep skill sets who can drive innovation and create local jobs. We want the most successful companies with high growth potential and highly skilled people in future-focused industries to come to Australia and develop their ideas here.

These global firms and individuals can expand the channels of capital available, especially for co-investing with Australian business, and can team up with Australian businesses to build bridges to international markets, opening new export opportunities.

And most importantly for Australian industry, the work of the Taskforce will mean that accessing global talent will be easier than ever before.

Now is the time to capitalise on a disrupted and uncertain environment and promote Australia ’s competitive advantages, particularly as a COVID success story.

A core feature of this approach is to identify and engage with the cream of the world ’s thinkers, academics, cultural innovators and business moguls rather than wait for them to knock on our door.

We believe we can offer high value firms and individuals and attractive menu of financial and non-financial benefits. We can also offer senior executives, company staff and top tier talent flexible visa arrangements and fast track their transition into Australia and connect them with industry and supportive business ecosystems.

We are setting the bar high and we ’re asking business, industry organisations and sector leaders to help us identify which enterprises and entrepreneurs they believe would turbocharge our economy and boost national prosperity.

The Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce looks forward to working with you to help achieve our national goals.

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