The Office of Development Effectiveness teacher development evaluation is examining the relationship between Australian assistance for teacher development and the expected outcomes of improved teacher effectiveness and student learning.
The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of Australian aid for teacher development since 2009-10, and recommend how to better design, deliver and monitor future assistance. The primary audience is education program managers, and policy managers and specialists in DFAT's Education Section.
The first stage involved a literature review, document review and interviews with stakeholders, to assess and learn from 27 teacher development investments in 17 countries. The resulting report–Investing in teachers– summarises DFAT's experience and identifies lessons for improving policies and programs. It includes intervention options, in-depth case studies and contrasting cases to highlight achievements and challenges in different development contexts.
DFAT has accepted the report's three recommendations, and has committed to specific actions to implement the responses. These include planned follow-on evaluations (initially in Timor Leste and Laos) to understand the effects of teacher development investments on teacher practices and pupils' learning outcomes.