
Also known as the Glasgow-Burchell Declaration
The Government of Australia and the Government of Canada decide to strengthen their operational cooperation to achieve outcomes that generate mutual benefits.
The Aim of this Joint Declaration will be to enhance the effectiveness of our overseas networks, to develop best practice, and to identify and generate efficiencies in our respective operations. We will do this by:
- Looking to improve and refine existing arrangements and areas of operational cooperation; and
- Looking for new areas of cooperation through ongoing dialogue at our missions and between capitals.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada have a strong and growing record of cooperation in a wide range of areas, including:
- Development assistance cooperation, based on our Partnership Arrangement on International Development, signed at Gatineau on 13 April 2015;
- Sharing of diplomatic reporting, based on the revised Memorandum of Cooperation between the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada concerning the Electronic Exchange of Diplomatic Reporting, signed at Ottawa on 24 April 2012;
- Extensive consular cooperation, based on our Exchange of Notes between the Government of Australia and the Government of Canada constituting an Agreement concerning the Sharing of Consular Services Abroad, done at Vancouver on 7 August 1986 (1986 Consular Sharing Agreement);
- Provision of reciprocal support for visiting diplomats;
- Provision of reciprocal training and staff development;
- Staff exchanges; and
- Co-location of diplomatic missions.
We have identified the following further areas for potential cooperation, primarily in relation to our diplomatic missions:
- Additional activities building off the 1986 Consular Sharing Agreement including, but not limited to:
- expanding joint activities and information sharing in relation to crisis management;
- exploring the scope for joint Honorary Consuls, where feasible; and
- expanding consular training opportunities across both our operations;
- comparing and, where appropriate, integrating crisis and contingency planning, including business continuity planning;
- sharing best practices on outreach to private sector and humanitarian organizations on security and emergency management abroad;
- conducting, where appropriate, joint exercises at our respective missions, especially those located in medium to high risk locations;
- considering co-location when mutually desirable;
- considering joint language training;
- considering common diplomatic courier services;
- considering establishing common supply and use of services, where this would be mutually beneficial;
- sharing information and insights into diplomatic security issues, including threat analysis;
- sharing information on work-related health and safety practices; and
- sharing experiences and lessons learned in relation to implementing information technology.
We will seek a global approach in our cooperation, maximizing the opportunities created by our respective and established diplomatic presence in particular regions.
Our diplomatic missions will work together at the local level to identify further opportunities for cooperation that serve the mutual interests of Australia and Canada.
Our cooperation agenda will seek to deliver value for money, while managing risk appropriately and taking into account our distinctive identities and interests.
To oversee this enhanced cooperation and monitor progress, senior officials of our respective ministries will hold an annual dialogue.
Last Updated: 22 October 2024