Australia-Mexico: Photos of 50 years of friendship

This photographic exhibition celebrates 50 years of the close and dynamic partnership between Australia and Mexico, which has grown stronger over the years.
With assistance from the National Archives of Australia and the Historical Archive of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs in Mexico, a treasure trove of photographs, documents and stories created since 1966 has been uncovered. These include historical documents that capture the vibrancy of the longstanding bilateral relationship and are on display for the first time.
The exhibition takes us on a journey from Qantas' first 'Fiesta Route' flight to Mexico and the exchange of embassies in 1966, to the recent State Visit of HE General Sir Peter Cosgrove to Mexico in August 2016 - the first by any Australian Governor General.
Some of the many bilateral cultural exchanges over the course of five decades are also on display, including the visit of a Mexican Huichol artist this year as part of an indigenous residency program in the frame of the 50th anniversary celebrations.
Australia and Mexico work closely together bilaterally and multilaterally. Mexico is already Australia's largest trading partner in Latin America – and there is further potential for growth when the Trans-Pacific Partnership comes into effect. People-to-people links are also growing rapidly, particularly in the tourism and education sectors.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Mexican Embassy in Australia look forward to seeing the close partnership continue to grow in coming years. We would also like to thank all those that made this photographic exhibition marking the 50th anniversary possible.