Development assistance in Mongolia

2025-26 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]
$5.6 million
2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$10.6 million
2024-25 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]
$5.6 million
2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$10.0 million
2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]
$12.9 million
Australia's development efforts are set out in: Partnerships for Recovery: Australia's COVID-19 Development Response. Our assistance in Mongolia focuses on tertiary scholarships and extractives sector governance to support stability (pillar 2) and economic recovery (pillar 3).
The mining industry drives Mongolia's economy with mineral resources and mining, including of copper, gold and coal, providing about 20 per cent of GDP and around 90 per cent of exports. A well-managed mining sector and resources sector is therefore key to realising economic growth and a reduction in poverty.
Achieving sustainable expansion of Mongolia's mining sector also depends upon developing suitable human resources in the public and private sectors. Attracting and retaining skilled workers is a top priority for businesses, but Mongolia's education system faces challenges in meeting the needs of a competitive economy.
For these reasons, the bilateral program provides assistance to two sectors–human resource development and the extractives sector. Transparent and predictable regulation will also benefit Australian business investments.
Pillar 2 – stability: Mongolia's government, civil society and private sector personnel have the skills and qualifications to deliver better services
Australia is promoting stability by increasing education opportunities for Mongolians. Australia is:
- strengthening the capabilities of the Mongolian Government and the private sector by providing postgraduate scholarship opportunities in Australia
- strengthening the technical skills of young Mongolians in construction and mechanical engineering to provide skills relevant to industry needs.
More information on programs addressing stability in Mongolia.
Pillar 3 – economic recovery: Mongolians are benefitting from a well-governed mining industry
The mining sector has propelled Mongolia to lower-middle income country status through the jobs and revenues that flow from large scale foreign direct investment. A well-governed, environmentally and socially responsible mining sector can reduce poverty and promote sustainable economic growth. Australia's significant expertise and experience is helping promote a more stable and equitable regulatory environment in the mining sector, encouraging new activity and helping Mongolia to benefit.
More information on programs addressing economic recovery in Mongolia.
Our results
The Australia Awards Mongolia program supports approximately 62 Mongolians studying in Australia, a Women's Leadership Program, and the activities of alumni, through the Mongolia Australia Society (affectionately known as the 'Mozzies').
The Australia Mongolia Extractives Program (AMEP) is helping Mongolia progress towards equitable and sustainable economic growth of its mining industry by supporting improved governance and regulation by mining-related government agencies, in areas such as geoscience, industry standards, taxation, royalties, exploration and mineral valuation.
A joint initiative between Melbourne Polytechnic and Dalanzadgad technical school in the South Gobi has helped Mongolia to improve Technical and Vocational Education through new competency-based training curricula.
Australian Volunteers are placed in sectors which align with both Australian and Mongolian Government development priorities, including human resource development, extractive industries, water and sanitation, and disaster risk reduction. Host organisations can be government agencies, local NGOs or INGOs and multilateral agencies.