Development assistance in Pakistan

2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$12.6 million
2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]
$11.1 million
2022-23 total Australian ODA [actual]
$19.1 million
Pillar 1 – health security
Australia is providing emergency assistance to respond to immediate COVID-19 health security challenges. For example, through the Asian Development Bank, we have helped strengthen COVID-19 surveillance and testing system at the national and provincial laboratories. Longer-term humanitarian assistance is improving hygiene, maternal and reproductive health outcomes, and broader health system preparedness. We will continue to support programs that improve critical health services such as nutrition, sustainable water and sanitation. Australia will contribute to routine immunisation and polio surveillance through Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
Further information on programs addressing health security in Pakistan.
Pillar 2 – stability
Australia will focus on providing humanitarian relief and livelihood support, addressing gender inequality and improving governance to support long-term stability in the region—which is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and external geopolitical factors.. Australia’s assistance includes support for vulnerable Afghan refugee and host communities and provides essential services such as for maternal health. In Pakistan we will concentrate on Balochistan and on the fragile former tribal areas in KP.
Further information on programs addressing stability in Pakistan.
Pillar 3 – economic recovery
Australia will advocate in support of free trade and sound policy settings that promote inclusive growth and sustainable recovery from the impacts of the floods and high food inflation, on the heels of the nascent economic recovery from the pandemic. We will work in regions and sectors where we can deliver the greatest benefits for disadvantaged and marginalised groups, particularly women and girls. We will encourage Pakistan to build on recent successes in water cooperation. Through ACIAR, Australia is providing expertise to improve the productivity of food systems.
Australia will continue to work alongside partners in Pakistan to improve economic recovery. We will explore opportunities for two-way trade diversification following the restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Further information on programs addressing economic recovery in Pakistan.
Australia’s development efforts are set out in Partnerships for Recovery: Australia’s COVID-19 Development Response.