Development assistance in Papua New Guinea

Stability and security are foundational elements of effective, accountable states. Australia continues to support PNG's security, policing and law and justice sectors, with longstanding partnerships between our defence and police forces, government agencies, and through our development program. To promote improved law, order and governance in PNG, Australia will focus investments on:
- Peace and stability: Supporting PNG to maintain security, stability and advance the rule of law and strengthen policing.
- Accountability: Supporting PNG government institutions to be more accountable to their citizens and uphold human rights.
- Institutional effectiveness: Supporting national, sub-national and community institutions to be more effective, responsive, and transparent.
In 2023, Australia committed $200 million (ODA and non-ODA) over four years as part of our Bilateral Security Agreement to support PNG's internal security priorities. These include building PNG's policing, and law and justice capabilities, as well as investing in nontraditional security sectors. Our combined investments in law, justice and policing will increase from $60 million per year (ODA) to $110 million per year (ODA and non-ODA) by 2026—27.
Across our development program, we are supporting functional, affordable, and accountable institutions that are key to effective economic management, human security and service delivery. This includes:
- Working together to combat crime and corruption, and to prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sorcery and Witchcraft Related Violence (SARV) through the PNG-Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP) between the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC).
- Supporting PNG to provide inclusive law and justice services to its citizens through the Australia-Papua New Guinea Law and Justice Partnership.
- Australia's Attorney-General's Department working with PNG's Department of Justice and Attorney General to progress legal policy development and law reform.
- Increasing support for PNG to effectively address escalating tribal violence, particularly in the Highlands.
- Supporting PNG to strengthen financial systems against money laundering and corrupt activity and exploring opportunities to bolster integrity institutions including the newly established PNG Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
- Supporting efforts to build stronger state–citizen relationships, strengthen demand for better service delivery and support advocacy for women's human rights.
- Supporting election reform, and providing long-term support for election administration, planning and delivery.
Related links
- Australia-PNG Development Partnership Plan 2024-2029
- Australia-Papua New Guinea Bilateral Security Agreement
Supporting key investments
Australia PNG Law and Justice Partnership (APLJ)
The Australia-Papua New Guinea Law and Justice Partnership (APLJ, $100m from 2023-27) builds on a decade of Australian support to PNG's law and justice sector, including through the program's predecessor, the Justice Services for Development Program (JSS4D). The program supports PNG's law and justice sector to provide effective, inclusive, and accountable justice services. Under the Bilateral Security Agreement, Australia has boosted investment in this partnership by 25 per cent for the next four years to better respond to PNG's security needs.
At the national level, APLJ supports legislative reform, sector leadership and coordination; whilst helping to strengthen critical services such as: crime prevention; prosecutions; policing and correctional services.
The program also operates at the subnational level across seven demonstration locations in PNG (Western, East New Britain, Morobe, Madang, Bougainville, Hela and Southern Highlands) with a focus on supporting community-level justice mechanisms, including village courts and helping to address local safety and security concerns such as family and sexual violence in provinces across PNG.
PNG Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP)
Through the PNG–Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP), the Australian Federal Police supports the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary to deliver effective policing services. Through on-the-shoulder advisors and capability uplift, the program improves investigation processes that target serious and organised crime. The Australian Federal Police also assists the RPNGC with training and operational support to meet the evolving and complex global criminal environment. Under the Bilateral Security Agreement, the PNG-APP will further enhance cooperation on policing infrastructure, capability, leadership, and training. The Australian Federal Police will also support PNG to establish a police recruit and investigations training centre that will enable PNG to build a larger, more capable police force.
Supporting Elections in PNG
Efficient and credible elections are critical to a safe, stable PNG. We are working with partners to support election reform efforts and provide long-term support for election administration, planning and delivery in line with the recommendations from the 2023 PNG Parliamentary Committee review. Our considerable experience in election support prepares us well to focus on the prevention of gender-based violence during election cycles.
Through the Australian Electoral Commission and other partners, we are working with the PNG Electoral Commission (PNGEC) to strengthen electoral systems in PNG and improve the integrity of elections, sharing our electoral expertise in a range of areas and delivering electoral training programs for Papua New Guinean officials.
Related documents
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Evaluation of Australia's electoral assistance to PNG 2015-17 and DFAT management response | 2018 | Evaluation report and management response |
Evaluation of Supporting Elections in Papua New Guinea (SEP) Program | 2024 | Evaluation report and management response |
Building Community Engagement in PNG
The Building Community Engagement in PNG Program (BCEP) works with civil society organisations, churches, and progressive leaders to build stronger state–citizen relationships and strengthen demand for better service delivery and provision of public goods.
The BCEP consists of five components:
- Coalitions for Change
- The Media Development Initiative
- The Church Partnerships Program
- Social Accountability
- PNG Government Partnerships
The partnership between ABC International, the PNG National Broadcasting Corporation and other media actors supports an impartial, free PNG media.
BCEP has a particular emphasis on promoting gender equality and inclusive social norms and alongside PNG Women Lead, supports women's organisations and networks to advocate for women's human rights.
Related documents
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Building Community Engagement Program design [PDF 1.75 MB] | 2021 | Design |
Support to the Protection of Civilians and Respect for the Rule of Law
With Australian support, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been providing humanitarian assistance in PNG for over 15 years. The ICRC's work focuses on raising awareness of international humanitarian law and providing prevention and protection support for conflict-affected and displaced communities in PNG. The ICRC works with tribal groups to address tribal violence by identifying durable conflict-resolution and reconciliation mechanisms. It also provides mental health and psychosocial support to families of missing people in Bougainville.