
Bilateral relations
Australia and Peru formally established diplomatic relations in 1963. Australia has an Embassy in Lima and an Honorary-Consul in Cusco.
Peru has an Embassy in Canberra, a Consulate-General in Sydney and Honorary-Consuls in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.
Australia and Peru cooperate on a range of issues of mutual interest, with key areas including mining, education, agriculture and tourism.
Australia and Peru have strong trading relations, including the Peru-Australia Free Trade Agreement (PAFTA) which entered into force on 11 February 2020 and membership in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
Australia and Peru engage multilaterally in numerous forums, including the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) - including through the Cairns Group of agricultural fair-trading countries - and APEC (which Peru hosted for a third time in 2024).
The Australian Embassy in Lima manages a Direct Aid Program in Peru.
Further economic and trade information can be found in our Peru trade/economic fact sheet [PDF197KB].
Fast facts
Peruvian visitors to Australia (2023-24 Dept of Home Affairs) #
Resident Australian population born in Peru (2021 Census)
Australian residents of Peruvian descent (2021 Census)
Peruvian Working Holiday Makers visas granted (2023-24 Dept of Home Affairs)
Peruvian students in Australia (2024 Dept of Education)*
# This financial year data is owned by Home Affairs. They provide quarterly updates to this data on their website.
* This Jan-Sep 2024 data is owned by the Department of Education. It provides updates to these numbers on its website
High level engagement
- 024 November – Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Julie Collins visited Peru and attended the APEC Ministerial Meeting in Lima; during which Prime Minister Albanese met with President Dina Boluarte.
- 2024 October – Peru’s Minister of Energy and Mines Rómulo Mucho and Minister of Economy and Finance José Arista met with Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government of Australia Madeline King and Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Tim Watts at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC)
- 2024 May - Assistant Minister for Trade, Tim Ayres, visited Peru to attend the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting in Arequipa
- 2023 October – Peru's Minister for Mining and Energy, Oscar Vera visited Australia for IMARC and met with Australia's Minister for Resources, Madeleine King and Assistant Trade Minister Tim Ayres
- 2023 September – Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong met Minister of Foreign Affairs Ana Gervasi at the UN General Assembly in New York
- 2023 July – Peru's Minister for Foreign Trade and Tourism, Mr Juan Mathews, visited Australia and met Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt
- 2023 April – Peru's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Ignacio Higueras, visited Australia for Senior Officials' Talks between Australia and Peru and met with Assistant Minister Tim Ayres
- 2022 October – Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Tim Watts visited Peru and led Australia's delegation to the Organisation of American States (OAS) General Assembly in Lima
- 2018 September –Australian parliamentary delegation visited Peru
- 2018 February – Peru's Minister for Foreign Trade and Tourism, Mr Eduardo Ferreyros, signed the Peru-Australia FTA (PAFTA) in Canberra
Agreements with Peru
- 2023 MoU on Cooperation within the Framework of APEC in 2024
- 2021 Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
- 2020 Peru-Australia FTA
- 2017 Air Services Agreement (undergoing treaty process)
- 2017 Work and Holiday Visa (WHV)
- 2017 MoU on Water Cooperation
- 2016 MoU on Education
- 2011 MoU on Political Consultations and Cooperation and Development Cooperation
See Australian Government travel advice for Australians overseas on Smartraveller
See international Austrade offices
Australian Embassy in Peru
Av. La Paz 1049, Piso 10
Miraflores, Lima 18, Perú
Tel: +51 1 630 0500
Facebook: Embajada de Australia en Perú y Bolivia
X: @EmbAusLima