
The Government of Australia and the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation ("the Participants"),
acknowledging the traditional ties of friendship and trust between Australia and the Swiss Confederation,
valuing our constructive collaboration in international forums, including the United Nations,
believing that our common interests lie in promoting global security and sustainable economic growth and development,
declare as follows:
- The Participants desire to strengthen bilateral relations in areas of comparative strength and mutual benefit, including, but not limited to: two-way trade and investment; cultural and people-to-people links; and innovation, scientific research and collaboration;
- The Participants wish to further develop their existing dialogue on policy issues, particularly on major global challenges and security and economic developments in our respective regions, and on other matters of common interest as identified by the Participants from time to time.
- To this end, the Participants will seek opportunities for foreign ministers to meet biennially or more frequently by mutual consent where occasion and need arises. Such meetings will be supported by regular contact at senior officials level, with the aim of identifying subjects warranting ministerial dialogue, as well as by ongoing co-operation and co-ordination on issues of mutual interest between the Participants' respective diplomatic and consular missions and delegations to United Nations and other international conferences.
Signed in Canberra, on 28 October 2013.