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Timor-Leste and Australia: Australia’s Development Impact in Timor-Leste
- Through private sector development support for 150+ businesses, 84,000 Timorese farmers and workers have earnt an additional USD$11M since 2017.
- 8,537 PNDS projects constructed with 65,621 Community Management Team members since 2013.
- Supported Timor-Leste’s successful accession to the WTO and integration into the global trading system in 2024.
- 495 Australian university scholarships awarded to Timor-Leste’s future global leaders since 2000.
- 99% ofyoung girls aged 11-14 years received the HPV vaccine in 2024.
- Supported delivery of the first undersea cable connection (Timor-Leste South Submarine Cable) marking significant advancement in the Timor-Leste’s telecommunications infrastructure in 2024
- 1,084 Basic Education Schools, 1,286 school leaders and 10,239 teachers supported through training in leadership skills, school management, curriculum, teacher mentoring and Inclusive Education Practices to since 2016.
- 17,346 employment opportunities provided to Timorese workers through Australian labour mobility schemes since 2012.
- 92,023 services provided to women and children who have experience violence since 2014.
- 686 places in vocational training, specialised English and micro credentialling courses to enhance skills for employment, since 2021.
- 197 farmers supported to harvest 63,263 kg of fresh produce, including, 24,750 kg of red rice and 18,489kg of green leafy vegetables since 2022.