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Development assistance in Tuvalu

Objective 2: Connecting Tuvalu with Australia and the region

We are fostering closer connections between Tuvalu, Australia and the region. Australia has commenced a multiyear connectivity partnership to provide greater economic opportunities. We are strengthening our people-to-people ties – supporting easier movement of people between our countries and strengthening jobs and skills opportunities for Tuvaluans in Australia and the Pacific.

Critical infrastructure

Through the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific, Australia is co-financing upgrades for two of Tuvalu's critical boat harbours with the Asian Development Bank. The project is rehabilitating the Niutao Harbour and has constructed new harbour facilities at Nui, bolstering transport connectivity for passengers and cargo. This critical infrastructure will also strengthen Tuvalu's resilience to climate change and deliver significant local job opportunities, including opportunities for women.


Australia is committed to supporting Tuvalu's infrastructure priorities and connectivity goals. Working with the Tuvalu Telecommunication Corporation, we have committed $50 million to secure Tuvalu's first undersea communications cable. The United States, New Zealand, Taiwan and Japan have also contributed funds. The cable is planned to be ready for service in 2025 and will unlock new opportunities and allow greater connectivity by providing reliable, accessible and affordable international telecommunications for Tuvaluans. We are also exploring opportunities through the Pacific Climate Infrastructure Financing Partnership to address Tuvalu's energy needs.


Through the Australia-Pacific Partnerships for Aviation Program, we are working in partnership with Tuvalu to improve aviation and tourism outcomes, guided by Tuvalu's key priorities and needs. The safety, security, quality and reliability of the aviation sector is important to maximise economic opportunities in Tuvalu. Stronger aviation and tourism linkages will be explored, noting the interdependence of both sectors.


The Falepili Union mobility pathway will create greater cultural, business and education exchanges, while also growing the Tuvaluan diaspora in Australia. It will also contribute to Tuvalu's economy through remittances, investments and skill exchanges. Opening the mobility pathway will also bring new opportunities for Tuvaluans to access Australian health and education services.

Tuvalu will continue to access the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme. This scheme helps to fill labour gaps in Australia, including in rural and regional areas, while allowing workers to develop their skills and send income home to support their families and communities. Australia is committed to ensuring the PALM scheme delivers for Tuvalu. We will also continue to support skills development through the Australia Pacific Training Coalition. We will explore options for greater access to skills and training opportunities to enhance the benefits of mobility. We will work closely with Tuvalu to support continuing and preserving Tuvaluan culture, traditions and values while in Australia.

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