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Development assistance in Tuvalu

Flag of Tuvalu

Australia’s development partnership with Tuvalu

2025-26 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$26.0 million

2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$47.0 million

2024-25 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$26.0 million

2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$86.7 million

2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]

$60.3 million

Australia's approach to development is set out in the new International Development Policy and accompanying Performance and Delivery Framework, alongside the Development Finance Review. Australia and Tuvalu will finalise a Development Partnership Plan in 2024.

Australia and Tuvalu share a commitment to deepening our development partnership through the Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union. Australia will continue to work closely together Tuvalu to realise the vision of the Te Kete (Tuvalu's National Development Strategy) of 'a peaceful, resilient and prosperous Tuvalu'.

Climate and Disaster Resilience

The Australian Government is taking meaningful action on climate change – at home and in partnership with Tuvalu. Australia shares the belief, as set out in the Boe Declaration of 2018, that climate change is the 'single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of the peoples of the Pacific'.

Australia has committed $38 million to the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP) to help extend vital climate adaptation works. TCAP will expand safe land in Funafuti and will help address issues of overcrowding and limited space for key infrastructure. The new land will also provide a barrier to protect existing land and buildings and is critical to protect the lives, livelihoods and culture of Tuvaluans in the face of climate change. Additionally, a range of regional and global climate change investments are working directly to build climate change and disaster resilience in Tuvalu.

Australia is also proud to partner with Tuvalu on Tuvalu's Long Term Adaptation Plan (L TAP) under the UN Secretary General's Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator initiative.

Australia supports the region’s transition to renewable energy – we are increasing our climate finance contributions, helping countries build climate resilience and sharing our innovations in climate adaption.  Australia also supports the Pacific to prepare for and respond to disasters by ensuring our assistance is Pacific-led and builds local response capability.

More information is available at Australia's humanitarian logistics capability and relief supplies.

More information is available at the publication Tuvalu - Australia's commitment to strengthening climate and disaster resilience in the Pacific


Australia remains committed to working with Tuvalu on our shared health priorities.

Australia is supporting critical health positions at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) in Funafuti. These positions build on the deployment of additional nurses to the PMH during the pandemic and will help ensure people in Tuvalu can access quality health care.

Australia worked closely with Tuvalu through COVID-19 to support preparedness and response. This included: the provision of 20,500 doses of COVID-19 vaccines; support for vaccine cold chain and community engagement; the long-term deployment of a biomedical engineer and a laboratory scientist; short-term nurse deployments; and implementation of health information systems to digitise COVID-19 immunisation records and strengthen supply chains. Our assistance through COVID-19 bolstered Tuvalu's capacity to respond to dengue and suspected typhoid outbreaks in early 2023.


Australia has a strong commitment to education and skills in the Pacific.

Through the 'Tuvalu and Australia Partnership for Quality Education' (TAPQE) Program ($10 million 2022-27), we are working together to support quality and inclusive education in Tuvalu's schools, including a focus on literacy and numeracy and the Ministry of Education's people and systems.

The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), which has operated in Tuvalu since 2007, and has supported over 800 Tuvaluan APTC graduates and expanded into hospitality, tourism, meatworks, aged care and construction.

Gender and Disability

Australia is supporting the implementation of Tuvalu’s National Gender Equity Policy and five-year Action Plan (launched on 8 May 2024), by working with the Development Bank of Tuvalu to increase access to finance for women and youth entrepreneurs, assisting the Gender Affairs Department to mainstream gender equity across national and local government and helping with the establishment of a women and girls resource’s centre.

Australia has also developed a Gender Equality Country Plan for Tuvalu, in close consultation with the Tuvalu Government and partners The plan aims to ensure equal opportunities and rights for all women and men to develop their full potential to participate in the economic, social, political and cultural development of Tuvalu and to realise the vision of the Te Kete (Tuvalu's National Development Strategy) of 'a peaceful, resilient and prosperous Tuvalu'.

We will continue to work together to assess the needs of vulnerable populations and to promote gender equality and women's empowerment – an important and ongoing core focus of all our programs.


The Australian Government is responding to the infrastructure deficit in the region and supporting the needs of our Pacific partners through the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP).

Australia will provide $50 million to support Tuvalu to secure its first undersea telecommunications cable, alongside contributions from likeminded partners.

Australia is providing $21.4 million (USD$15 million) in co-financing to the Asian Development Bank to support upgrades to two of Tuvalu's critical boat harbours. The project is rehabilitating the Niutao Harbour and constructing new harbour facilities at Nui, which will bolster transport connectivity for passengers and cargo. This critical infrastructure will also strengthen Tuvalu's resilience to climate change and deliver significant local job opportunities, including opportunities for women. More information is available at Enhancing boat harbours across Tuvalu.

Sustainable Economic Development

Australia will invest $10 million in immediate budget support (over 2023-24 and 2024-25) to ensure delivery of critical services. Australia supports Tuvalu's economic development by contributing to the Tuvalu Trust Fund to enable Tuvalu to achieve greater financial autonomy in managing its budget and build a long-term revenue source. In addition, Australia is strengthening Tuvalu's capacity for economic and social reform by providing technical assistance in key areas of government.

Australia has also committed up to $40 million in aviation and connectivity support.

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