AUSMIN - Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer, and
Australian Minister for Defence Robert Hill met in Washington on July 7
to discuss global security and the alliance. The discussions confirmed President
Bush's recent public assessment that Australia-US relations have never been
2. Both countries reaffirmed their determination to work together
with the Iraqi people to build a stable, secure and democratic Iraq. They
agreed that success in this historic endeavor would be a significant gain
in the fight against terrorism. They agreed now was the time for
greater not diminished international support for Iraq.
3. Australia and the United States welcomed the transfer of sovereignty
to the Iraqi Interim Government and agreed on the importance of holding
direct democratic elections for a Transitional National Assembly to be held
in Iraq by 31 December 2004 if possible, but no later than January 2005. They
welcomed the unanimous passage of UN Security Council Resolution 1546 endorsing
the timetable for Iraq's political transition, which culminates in the establishment
of a constitutionally-elected government by 31 December 2005. They
welcomed expressions of international resolve and support to re-establish
a stable and prosperous Iraq. They called on the international community,
and in particular Iraq's neighbours, to support the reconstruction of Iraq.
They reaffirmed their commitment to assist in the training and development
of Iraqi security forces.
Combating Terrorism
4. Both countries highlighted the continuing threat of terrorism.
They agreed that the global nature of the threat required a global response
and that the danger of terrorists acquiring weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) posed a major strategic threat. They agreed that the fight
against terrorism would be a long one, and would involve diplomatic, law-enforcement,
financial, intelligence and military elements.
5. Both sides re-emphasized their strong mutual commitment to combating
terrorism and welcomed extensive bilateral cooperation on counter-terrorism
measures, including law enforcement, customs, financial and border controls,
transport security and intelligence. They agreed that South East Asia was
a key front in the fight against terrorism and reaffirmed the importance
of working with governments in the region against the common threat. They
welcomed efforts in the region on this front and applauded the establishment
of the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC). They
agreed to further strengthen coordination, including through the G-8 led
Counter-Terrorism Action Group, in their respective efforts to help South
East Asian governments develop stronger counter-terrorism measures, including
through capacity building and training.
6. Australia and the United States agreed that stronger international
cooperation and action was needed to prevent the spread of WMD. They
committed to practical measures to further strengthen the counter-proliferation
architecture, including bolstered treaty regimes; better implementation
of export controls and improved securing of sensitive materials.
7. Australia and the United States agreed to build on the successful
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) to interdict the flow of weapons
and materials of mass destruction and their delivery systems, noting its
contribution to positive non-proliferation developments. They emphasized
that further efforts were required to bring Iran and North Korea into compliance
with their international obligations. The United States welcomed
Australia's decision to participate in the Global Partnership Initiative
and its contribution to help dismantle decommissioned Russian nuclear submarines.
Regional Cooperation
8. The United States and Australia reaffirmed the importance of
the US-Australia alliance and a continued strong U.S. presence to maintaining
the security and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. Australia welcomed
U.S. efforts, through the Global Force Posture Review, to strengthen its
military capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region and ensure they remain
relevant to changing strategic needs. The United States and Australia agreed
to further strengthen cooperation in the region to address common threats
and welcomed APEC's increasing commitments in this area.
9. Australia and the United States welcomed Japan's increasing contribution
to regional security and committed to further cooperation with Japan. They
welcomed China's greater international engagement, particularly in the Six-Party
Talks on North Korea. They firmly called for North Korea to dismantle its
nuclear weapons and programs; halt its missile programs; cease foreign sales
of missile technology; and reduce its threatening conventional military
posture. Both called on China and Taiwan to resolve their differences
peacefully. Each reaffirmed its commitment to its one-China policy.
10. Australia and the United States reaffirmed their commitment
to work closely with the countries of South East Asia to enhance the security
and prosperity of that region. They welcomed Indonesia's successful
elections and committed to work with the Indonesian Government to promote
economic development and democracy. They agreed to seek ways to help
nations in the region improve their capacity to patrol their sovereign waterways
to enhance the security of vital sea lanes in the region.
Defense Relations
11. The United States and Australia reaffirmed the centrality of
strong bilateral defense relations in pursuing closely aligned strategic
objectives and global security. They agreed that interoperability between
U.S. and Australian forces was important - as demonstrated in the fighting
in Afghanistan and Iraq. They welcomed the Statement on Interoperability. Both
welcomed and agreed to further development of the proposed Joint Combined
Training Centre. They welcomed the conclusion of the bilateral Memorandum
of Understanding on cooperation in Missile Defense and agreed on the importance
of moving quickly to develop a detailed program of bilateral Missile Defense
Next AUSMIN Meeting
12. Australia will host the next AUSMIN meeting in 2005.