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Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)

IORA priorities

IORA's objectives are enshrined in the IORA Charter.

The priority areas are:

  • Maritime safety and security;
  • Trade and investment facilitation;
  • Fisheries management;
  • Disaster risk management;
  • Academic, science and technology cooperation; and
  • Tourism and cultural exchange.

The blue economy and women's economic empowerment are two further cross-cutting priority areas.

Australia's priorities in IORA

Australia's thematic priorities in IORA include maritime safety and security and blue economy (the sustainable use of maritime resources).

Australia is currently co-leading the Maritime Safety and Security Working Group with India.

Australia funds the IORA Blue Carbon Hub, which is run by the CSIRO at its Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre in Perth. The Hub empowers IORA member states to protect and restore blue carbon ecosystems in the Indian Ocean.

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