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Australia welcomes Mr Francisco Cali Tzay as the new Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge the work undertaken by his predecessor Ms Victoria Tauli Corpuz, and her final report to the Council.
Australia reaffirms its support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We continue to work in genuine partnership on co-designing policies and programs to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians, consistent with the Declaration's goals.
The impact of COVID-19 on indigenous peoples has required a targeted, culturally appropriate and consultative approach.
At the request of Indigenous leaders and communities, we have co-designed travel restrictions and quarantine arrangements, with Indigenous health organisations, to minimise the COVID-19 risks faced by Indigenous communities. There have been no reported COVID-19 cases in Indigenous Australians acquired in remote communities.
We welcome the Special Rapporteur's focus on the impact of COVID-19 on the rights of indigenous peoples in his forthcoming report to the General Assembly and were pleased to contribute to it.
We would welcome advice from the Special Rapporteur on best practice approaches to data collection to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on indigenous peoples.
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