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United Nations

Australian statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, 30 October 2024

Statement by: Ms Greemn Lim, First Secretary, Australian Mission to the UN

As delivered

Thank you Chair.

Australia thanks the Commission for its update on human rights in South Sudan.

Australia welcomes the announcement of elections in South Sudan for December 2026 and ongoing discussions aimed at fostering an inclusive peace process.

We also welcome South Sudan’s accession to core United Nations human rights treaties in February 2024.
However, Australia is deeply concerned at the lack of progress on implementing the 2018 Revitalised Peace Agreement and that elections have been postponed for another two years.

The Commission’s report details appalling accounts of the killing of civilians, of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence, of abduction and arbitrary detention – at times by the military and security forces.

Children continue to be recruited by armed forces and groups. Australia is gravely concerned by the evident lack of progress made towards stopping these crimes and holding the perpetrators accountable.

We are concerned insecurity continues to cause the mass displacement of civilians and to impact humanitarian access when nearly half the population of South Sudan is at risk of acute food insecurity.

Despite a commitment in the 2018 Revitalised Peace Agreement to strengthen economic management as well as South Sudan’s significant oil export revenue, the diversion of funds from core government services leaves international donors and humanitarian actors to fill the gap. We note with concern the return of half a million South Sudanese refugees from Sudan due to the continuing conflict there, further straining the humanitarian system.

Australia asks the Commission what more the international community can do to effectively support South Sudan’s progress on fully implementing the 2018 Revitalised Peace Agreement, including peaceful, inclusive and timely elections?

Thank you.

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