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I am pleased to announce I have signed today a Memorandum of
Understanding for the $45 million ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation
Program. The Memorandum of Understanding was co-signed by the Bruneian Minister
for Foreign Affairs, HRH Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, representing ASEAN, at the
ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference in Brunei.
The six-year ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP) is a
practical demonstration of Australia's commitment to working with ASEAN to
assist economic growth and poverty reduction. It is funded by the Australian
Government's overseas aid program and is being implemented jointly by ASEAN and
Implementation of the AADCP is consistent with the emphasis in the Australian
Government's aid program on good governance and the centrality of economic
growth to poverty reduction.
The program will complement Australia's bilateral assistance to regional
countries and, more importantly, efforts by Southeast Asian countries themselves
to improve economic governance and strengthen regional integration in the wake
of the 1997 Financial Crisis.
Consistent with progress to date, the AADCP will provide a useful mechanism
for progressing both ASEAN and Australian interests in the ASEAN Free Trade
Area-CER Closer Economic Partnership (CEP) and in sharing the benefits of
globalisation through trade and investment.
The core components of the AADCP are: 1) a program of medium-term
(two-to-three year) activities addressing issues of economic integration and
competitiveness (the Program Stream); 2) a flexible mechanism for smaller
collaborative activities (the Regional Partnership Scheme); and 3) a policy
research facility within the ASEAN secretariat focussing on economic issues (the
Regional Economic Policy Support facility). The policy research facility began
operation in January 2002 and the other two elements will have commenced
operation by early 2003.
Issues agreed as priorities under the AADCP include: agricultural pest,
disease and safety issues; food quality standards; customs harmonisation and
strengthening; facilitation of goods in transit; e-commerce; trade in services;
investment facilitation and promotion; competition policy; labour market and
human resources development planning; and small and medium enterprises/private
sector competitiveness.
The AADCP it an important element of Australia's overall development
assistance to the members of ASEAN, which in 2002-03 will amount to an estimated
$345 million.
Chris Kenny (Ministerial) 02 6277 7500 / 0419 206 890
Jo Elsom (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 / 0412 804 489