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Australia is to provide $100 000 for a new Pacific Reform Partnership Scheme.
This scheme will promote the sharing of ideas and strategies between Pacific
governments currently formulating or implementing significant economic
The Scheme will be particularly relevant to the Solomon Islands which is
about to embark on an ambitious program of economic and public sector
The Australian Government recognises that a number of Pacific island
countries are now well advanced in implementing locally-initiated economic
restructuring programs and have valuable expertise and advice to offer their
The Pacific Reform Partnership Scheme will assist ministers,
parliamentarians, key officials, community and business leaders to play a part
in the development and implementation of reform programs outside their own
Vanuatu's experience in developing its National Reform Program could prove
valuable for other governments in the Pacific region that are embarking on
broad-ranging reform. The experience of Samoa and the Cook Islands in
introducing budget and tax reform could be relevant to other countries planning
reforms in these areas. Some Pacific island countries' experience of building
community support for reform and dealing with difficult issues such as
privatising public enterprises, could also benefit each other countries in the
The Pacific Reform Partnership Scheme will support short-term visits and
attachments in key government agencies or ministers' offices as well as other
relevant forms of cooperation between island countries.
The project will be delivered through the regional Policy and Management
Reform Fund operated by AusAID, the Australian Agency for International
Development. This Fund provides assistance to countries which have demonstrated
a commitment to economic and public sector management reforms.
The Pacific Reform Partnerships Scheme is not only an important new form of
support for the region's reform efforts but also a recognition of the growing
body of local expertise which should be tapped for the longer-term benefit of
the region.
Media contact:
Honiara Frank Willemsen (Australian High
Commission) 21561 Canberra
Geoff Adlide (AusAID) 6206 4967 / 0417