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Australia: Committed to Fighting Tuberculosis

News, speeches and media

Media Release


As part of our role in combating tuberculosis in the Asia Pacific region, I
am pleased to announce an increase in Australia's core contribution to the World
Health Organisation's Global Tuberculosis Programme (WHO GTB) to $550 000 for
this financial year.

Health has always been a priority in Australia's overseas aid program. With
the re-emergence of tuberculosis as a major health issue for many developing
countries, it is important that Australia assists other countries, particularly
its closest neighbours, in managing and controlling the disease.

The GTB is the most significant operation addressing tuberculosis control on
a global level. The Australian Government has provided $1.165 million to the GTB
since 1994/95. These funds play an important role in establishing comprehensive
treatment and prevention programs in South East Asia and the Western

In addition to core contributions to GTB, the Australian Government, through
AusAID, the Australian Agency for International Development, funds a range of
other projects which directly or indirectly contribute to tuberculosis

  • WHO Global Programme on Vaccines
  • GTB drug resistance surveillance in Asia Pacific countries
  • WHO Action Program on Essential Drugs
  • WHO tuberculosis specialist working on Indonesia's National Tuberculosis
  • Cambodia's Expanded Programme of Immunisation and Maternal and Child
  • Mindanao Maternal and Child Health (MMCH) and the Urban Health and
    Nutrition Project (UHNP) in the Philippines

AusAID is also funding the WHO Inter-regional Training Workshop and Strategic
Planning Meeting currently being held at the University of New South Wales.
Coordinated by the School of Medical Education of the UNSW, the workshop and
meeting is bringing together health officials from a range of Asia Pacific
countries, and will be instrumental in formulating a coordinated regional
approach to combating tuberculosis.

Media Contacts David Alexander (Mr Thomson's Office) 06
277 4665
Jane Castles (AusAID) 06 206 4968

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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